
The Diary of Ella Rogers, Volume 4: 1916-1918

Ella Isobel Rogers, Diary of Ella Rogers, Volume 4: 1916-18. Black ink and pencil on white paper, 129 pages. Hardcover-bound diary H: 22.5 cm, W: 18 cm, D: 1 cm. ©Mount Allison University Archives, Sackville.1 Transcription ©MLC Research Centre. jkw/blt/ak/ig

keywords: Belgium, births, church, dress, farming, funerals, France, Hopewell Hill, influenza (Spanish flu), knitting clothing (for soldiers), leisure (sleighing), Moncton, Mount Allison University, movies, music lessons, Peck family, recitals, recruitment, school, sickness, socials, sports (basket ball), war, weddings, Ypres, young people

summary: Ella Rogers was the daughter of Frederick Ernest Rogers, a farmer, and Jennie Eliza Rogers (née Moore), born in 1900 in Hopewell Hill, New Brunswick. Her four siblings, Nellie, Bessie, Achsah, and Donald (Don), are frequent points of reference in the diary. Ella Rogers began keeping a diary at the age of eight. VOLUME 1: 1908-1915 covers the outbreak of the war, noting the recruitment of two local boys, Clyde Newcomb and Silas Wright, and her Uncle Donald Mackenzie Moore’s deployment on the front lines, where he was lethally wounded on 21 May 1915. In VOLUME 2: 1915-1916, Ella is a student while Nellie and Achsah are teachers. Ella’s activities place her in her rural home community while her siblings eventually take on positions in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. In VOLUME 3: 1916, Ella Rogers is busy with socials, school, recitals, and knitting socks for the soldiers overseas. In VOLUME 4: 1916-1918, she references the federal election, conscription, the Halifax Explosion, the signing of the armistice, and the advent of the Spanish flu. VOLUME 5: 1918-1921 includes first-hand insight into the ordeal of the Spanish flu in the aftermath of the war, as well as insight into the popular post-war movie culture.



Ella I Rogers

Hopewell Hill, N.B.

Sept. 26, 1916

26 September 1916



Hopewell Hill, N.B.

Don and I were up to a recruiting meeting at Hopewell Cape last night. Everett took a team. They had a bon-fire on Shepody Mt. but it didn’t last long. Jim took a team up to see the fire. Mrs. David Stewart and children came last night in the train. We were down to the recruiting meeting in the Hall to-night. Mamma sang in the choir. Grandpa, Mr. DeWolfe, Dr. Murray, Mr. Sherwood and two members of the Kiltie Battalion spoke. They didn’t get any recruits. Clara [Fillimore] read “Fire the Pile on Craiggowan Heights.” Harvey Wright sang “Soldiers of the King” and Mrs. Alden Peck sang “Annie Laurie.”

27 September 1916



Mrs. D. Stewart was in this afternoon. Rob McGorman is getting our hay on the march. Mamma and I were [on] yesterday picking cranberried [sic]. We got a little over a peck. I guess our marsh is about the only one that has any berries on it this year at all.

28 September 1916



Was down for the mail. Got snapshots from Bessie that she took when she was home this summer.

29 September 1916



No Prayer Meeting as Mr Opie is having special meetings at Albert this week. This is [Orpah’s] sixteenth birthday. There is a Surprise Party for her to-night. I did not go. Got a letter from Gertrude.

30 September 1916



Was down to the office this morning to mail some letters. Started to knit a pair of soldier socks. Uncle Fred in awhile this eveing [sic]. [Mr.] Stewart came in Mr. [Fullerton’s] car.

1 October 1916



Was to S. School and church this morning. We had our Rally Day programme in church. Uncle Fred in a few minutes this evening.

2 October 1916


Was down for the mail. Some of the Division members were in to-night practising for the Anniversary of the National Division.

3 October 1916



We are having lovely weather now. Quite a few visitors were to [Division]. We had a special programme. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and children went home yesterday morning. Gordon Stevens has the typhoid fever.

4 October 1916


Was down for the mail to-night. Don has been helping Cliff West hay. They finished to-day.

7 October 1916



Blanch Newcomb and I walked down to Riverside this morning. I was down for the mail to-night. Sara Smith came home last night for Thanksgiving so did Mary Russell. Mary teaches in Havelock. Mrs. Calhoun and Ruth went home this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Audber Jonah came to-night.

10 October 1916



Mr. & Mrs. Audber Jonah went home Monday morning. Sara went back this morning. I have a bad cold now. Achsah taught school Monday (Thanksgiving Day) and is going to a Fair in Sackville tomorrow.

14 October 1916



Miss Doherty had school this morning as she missed a day when she was home Thanksgiving. We got a letter from Uncle Dodge last night. He and Silas Wright expected to leave Boston Thursday night and come to Dorchester and then cross the ferry either Sunday or Monday. I didn’t go to Prayer Meeting last night. May was in awhile. Then was a trustee meeting in the school house to see about the advisability of starting a school garden. I finished knitting one sock Thursday night and took up the other one last night. I washed my hair this morning. Nellie wrote that she went to Brandon one night in a car to see a play. They didn’t get home until four o’clock in the morning.

16 October 1916


Very Windy

Uncle Dodge came this afternoon about five o’clock. They hired an auto at the Cape to bring them down. He & Don went down for the mail. He & I were over to Aunt Maggie’s a few minutes before tea. Ada was in awhile this evening. I stayed home from school this morning and picked up apples. Fair is tomorrow.

21 October 1916



It rained Tuesdays [sic] so the Fair was put off until to-day. It rained to-day but Fair was held. Of course not as many there as usual. Don was down to the Albert Fair yesterday afternoon. A crowd of men including Uncle Dodge, Grandpa, Brad and [C/Blair] Robinson, Capt. Jim Doherty, Harvey, Temple and Silas Wright went into New Ireland hunting Wednesday morning and came out last night. They only got three partridges. Hall Peck’s son Don came to Cliff West’s last night.

25 October 1916


Mr. Chesley Smith left this morning for Boston. He is going to spend a few days in St. John and go the rest of the way with Uncle Dodge and Silas Wright. Sunday night Uncle Dodge was at Cliff West’s for tea. Monday night at [Clair] Robinson’s and last night at Uncle Luther’s. He went down to Riverside with Cliff tonight. Mamma, Joanna, Cliff and Don Peck ^Silas^ were also over to Uncle Luther’s last night.

28 October 1916


Uncle Dodge went to Moncton yesterday morning. Silas went over to Dorchester Thursday morning and would go up to Moncton this morning. They leave for Boston this afternoon. Uncle Dodge gave me a very pretty pendant. He gave Don ten dollars. Thursday night Mamma, Uncle Dodge, May, Cliff and Joanna were over to [Mis] McGormans. Mamma was down to Riverside with May this morning. She was down with [Mrs.] Annie Robinson this afternoon. They were put on a committee at League to buy the candy etc. to send to the soldiers for Christmas. Donald Peck went back Thursday morning. Nellie sent some snaps of Minto2 in her last letter.

31 October 1916


Annie Calhoun and Lena were in awhile last night. Lena gets milk from us. I got some snaps from Lucy last night that we had taken when I was up to Hillsboro this summer. Mrs. George Nelson has a little baby born born [sic] a week ago Sunday. I was down to a concert in the Consolidated School to-night. Frank Steeves took me. Ada and Annie were down. They went with Douglas [Ke????] and Henry. Most of the girls were dressed as witches. They had booths where you could have your fortune told.

1 November 1916


There is a Surprise Party for Jim Wright3 to-night. He is going to St. John in the morning to enlist. Annie is going in the morning too. She was in a minute on her way to Prayer Meeting. The party isn’t until after Prayer Meeting. Don and I aren’t going.

6 November 1916

Jim Wright enlisted in the 9th Siege Battery. Mrs. George Nelson’s baby’s name Merrill Russell. They are going to call it Russell. Ada and Miss Boyd were in to-night for Lena’s mlk. Almira was in this afternoon. The train changed this morning. It leaves Albert at half past six and get [sic] back at twenty minutes to three. Minnie Moore is down to Grandpa’s now. Aunt Annie went to Pedicotiac4 [sic] Friday and came back to-night.

12 November 1916


[Gayus] Peck came to Mr. John Russel’s Monday afternoon in the train. Mr. Russell, Aubrey and [Gayus] were down awhile Monday night. [Gayus] came down here Tuesday morning and stayed for dinner. In the afternoon he stopped in to Aunt Maggie’s and Grandpa’s on his way over to Mr. Byron Peck. He went back Wednesday morning. He is a sergeant in the 239 Railway Construction Corps now at Windsor NS. Friday night Mr. McCully gave a lecture in the church on Missions. Quite a number of women from here went to St John last week to attend the Womens Institute. The Institute here [got] fifth prize on a collection of pickles and preserves. There were eighteen collections there. Minnie Moore was here Wednesday. She went up to Uncle Fred’s Thursday morning. Bessie sent Mamma and I yarn to knit soldiers socks. Mine is khaiki [sic] colored and Mamma’s is almost white.

17 November 1916


It snowed Monday and all day Tuesday & there has been good sleighing ever since. It was so stormy Tuesday night that there wasn’t any Division. I finished my first sock last night. Mr. Tingley was here cutting our wood today. Mr. & Mrs. Opie were in this afternoon. Achsah wrote that she was going to spend the week end in Rockland at Mrs. McKelvie’s where she boarded last year. We got the announcement tonight of Uncle Art’s & Dorothy’s wedding. They were married in the First Baptist Church in Vancouver on Tuesday the seventh of November.

25 November 1916


There was a school concert at Lower Cape a week ago Friday. Frank Steeves took a team. Don & I didn’t go. There was good sleighing up until Thursday. It rained then and there is no snow to be seen now. I was up to Ada’s tonight making boxes for candy that the school is going to sell after the Anniversary of the League Monday night. The money is going to the Belgians. Every school was supposed to raise money in some way on Nov. 15 but we didn’t have anything then. The men that went from here on the Harvesters excursion are all home now. Mr. Norman Backhouse came tonight. The


The year has changed its name since that last tale;

Yet naught the prisoned spring doth that avail.
Deep buried under snow the country lies;
Made dim by whirling flakes the rook still flies
South-west before the wind; noon is as still

As midnight on the southward-looking hill,
Whose slopes have heard so many words and loud
Since on the vine the woolly buds first showed.

Wm. Morris.5

Grace and Gladys Rogers 1917

Arch A Hanley May 1917

J [unreadable] Oct 1818

Hilda Russel March 1918

Margaret Archibald [March 1918]

Michael Stevens 1919

[Ina] [unreadable] 1920

Minnie Stevens May 1919

Dorothy Manning


boys started playing Basket-ball tonight.

1 December 1916



Anniversary of the League was Monday night. Ada, Orpah, Bessie and I took up the collection. We didn’t have our candy sale but some of the school children collected money and got over $23. Wednesday night there was a Recital in the Baptist church: Mr. Peircie was the reader. His longest reading was by Van Dyke. He had a recital at Albert last night. Mrs. Casey’s baby died Sunday. The funeral was Tuesday. Uncle Fred is at Grand Division in Moncton now. Allie Newcomb has the whooping cough.

6 December 1916



We are writing our Xmas exams at school this week. When Uncle Fred came home from Moncton Monday he brought me a box of chocolates.

10 December 1916



We finished our exams Thursday and have got all our marks now. My average is 70.

There was a sale and tea in the Division Room last night. It was for the Women’s Institute. They made $12.75. They are going to have a sale again Monday night to sell the rest of the things & they are going to have games. Sara Smith came home from St. John last night. She is through Business College. Nellie Newcomb came too. Ada and Orpah are up to the Cape for the week end.

16 December 1916


I was skating on the pond Wednesday night and last night. It snowed in the night. I was playing Basket Ball Monday night and went into the television Room afterwards. They played guessing games, Shooting the Russian, etc. and Celia Peck told fortunes with cards. I had my fortune told.

21 December 1916


School closed in our room today. It takes Miss Boyd two days to get home so she is going in the morning. We didn’t have a public examination. We got a letter from Bessie to-night saying she is coming home for Xmas. She sent a telegram before so we wouldn’t send her parcels to her, but we have never got it yet. Mr. Fred [Brewster] was at the Hill Tuesday and was to Division. He made a fine speech. Don has not been very well these last two or three days. He has a bad cold. We sent our Christmas parcels to Nellie last Friday and Saturday. The first box was fruit cake, candy, cookies, etc. We sent one to Bessie too before we got her letter saying she was coming home. Maybe she will get it before she leaves.

28 December 1916


Bessie and Achsah came home Saturday. Achsah & Don went after the Christmas tree after they she came home. I got ten 11 presents Christmas. Bessie has had a very bad cold & it it [sic] not well yet. She hasn’t been out any since she came home. [Margaret] & May were over this evening. We were on to the creek skating last night after Baptist Prayers Meeting. Achsah & I were to a concert in the Baptist church Sat. night. Joe is in France now. The draft from the 104 that he is in joined the 26th Battalion.

31 December 1916


The League had a social at Mrs. Ray Tingley’s last night. They made $17. [Josie] came down Saturday in the train. He is going to Acadia now. Blanch and [?iada?] were up to Helen’s last week. Bessie and I got Frances and Achsah [?allache??s] photos last night.

1 January 1917


Achsah, Josie, Don, and I were on the creek skating tonight. There weren’t many others there. Bessie was out yesterday today for the first.

2 January 1917


Josie went home this morning. He has to go back to Acadia in the morning. Bessie went up to League with Mamma and then she went up to Julie’s for tea.

5 January 1917


We were skating Wednesday night and last night. Bessie went both nights. Sara went back to St. John Wednesday morning. Bessie was over to Aunt Maggie’s for tea last night. Mr. Allen Gray died Tuesday at Albert. We took our Xmas tree down this morning. Bessie went up to Lattie’s with Mary Russell this afternoon.

6 January 1917


Achsah and Margaret went back to their schools this morning. It was raining awfully hard. Cliff drove them down. Bessie came home late Friday night. They intended to skate on the lake but all the Lower Cape people went to a party at [Sam Dixon’s] so they didn’t go skating.

7 January 1917


I was to Sunday School and church this morning and Bessie and I went to Baptist church this afternoon. We were up to Aunt Maggie’s awhile after church. May and Mary Russell were here for tea. The teachers didn’t come Saturday so there will be no school tomorrow.

8 January 1917


The Normal girls went back this morning also Julia and Mary Russell. I was down to Mrs. Newcomb’s today. We were skating tonight. Mrs. Hawkins came tonight. Mr. Bray’s funeral is Wednesday. Two Mr. Clark’s are at Mrs. McGormans now. They came down for the funeral. Willie and Dick Clarke were on the ice tonight.

9 January 1917


School started today. Miss Doherty is boarding at Mr. Long’s. I was to Division and on skating afterwards. It is very mild tonight. There was a little [water] over the ice.

10 January 1917


We had no school this afternoon on account of the funeral. It was in the Baptist church. Mamma was there. Mr. Bray was buried in the Lower Cape cemetry [sic].

11 January 1917


Stormy day. Rainy and cold.

12 January 1917


Mr. Opie called this afternoon. We were on skating this evening. It was so cold and windy that we didn’t stay long. Ice real good.

13 January 1917


Bessie and I were skating this afternoon. Celia and Nellie Newcomb were on. We were on skating again this evening. There was quite a crowd on.

14 January 1917


No church this evening as it is raining and very windy.

15 January 1917


Mamma and Nellie Newcomb served this afternoon at Institute. I got a letter from Eli.

16 January 1917


Bessie and Mamma were at League. Bessie stayed for tea at Mrs. McAlmon’s. Chester brought his gramaphone [sic] to Division and played a lot of pieces.

18 January 1917


Was not to school today as I have a bad cold. Mrs. Annie Robinson and Almira were in this evening.

22 January 1917


It snowed last night and all day today. May was over for tea.

23 January 1917


Miss Boyd joined Division to-night. Almira was in this evening and Mrs. Percy Russell this afternoon.

24 January 1917


Bessie went back this morning. Don drove her to the station with Uncle Luther’s horse. It is good sleighing now.

25 January 1917


Got a card from Ada tonight. She and Orpah expected to leave Boston tomorrow. Arth is coming home too. He has been working there. Got a letter from Mina also.

29 January 1917


Got a letter from Bessie to-night. She got back safely. There was a [Bean] Supper at C. L. West’s tonight. We were all there. All the men came out from Downey camp where they are lumbering. Mrs. Lynds died this morning at four o’clock.

31 January 1917


Mrs. Lynds’ funeral was today. Ex. Gov. McClenan7 [sic] died last night.

5 February 1917


Gov. McClenan’s [sic] funeral was Saturday. Don was down. A special train went up after the funeral to take the people back who came down in the train to the funeral. Don was down to the funeral.

Harold Moore came down Saturday night and took me up to the Oyster Supper at Mr. Edmund Bishop’s. I stayed at Clarence’s all day Sunday and came home this morning when Harold brought Helena down to school. Was to S. S. in afternoon and church in the evening. Orpah and Arth got home Wed. night. Orpah started to school today. Bessie and I got a letter from Florence Martin. She is going to school in Elgin.

United States is preparing for war with Germany.

9 February 1917


It is raining this afternoon. Got an invitation to Bessie Wright’s Birthday Party Monday night. Evelyn Stevens visited Division last Tuesday. Jim Wright came home last night.

12 February 1917


Jim Wright was received into the church last night. I went down to Albert after church with Harold and Helena. Was to Bessie Wright’s party tonight. Had a fine time. Institute had a “Farmer’s Tea” tonight. Mamma was there. Jim Wright went back today. The train didn’t go till after dinner on account of ice on the rails.

15 February 1917


There is to be a Provincial election the 24th. Uncle [San] and Mr. John Carnwath are liberal candidates. for this county. There was a liberal committee meeting in the Hall last night. Don was there awhile. Uncle [San] was there. Mr. Alfred Woodworth got hurt in the woods Monday. Mrs. Newcomb and Mrs. [Dunea??] were in yesterday. Mamma was over to Mrs. McGorman’s this afternoon quilting.

18 February 1917


This is a lovely day. Not a bit cold. I was to Sunday School and church this morning. Yesterday was Nomination Day. A great many people went up. It was at the Cape. Mr. John Peck & Lewis Smith are the conservative candidates. Blanch Newcomb was here for tea last night. I was sliding last night and Friday night after Prayer Meeting.

21 February 1917


I was sliding Monday night. There was a Conservative Meeting at Albert. A special train ran. The [sic] was a Liberal Meeting at Hillsboro last night. A lot of people went from here. A special train went up. There were over 50 got on at the Hill station. Don went. Besides the Liberal candidates Mr. Asman & Mr. Capp spoke. Don went. There was no Division. Orpah here for tea.

3 March 1917


A week ago last night Don and I were down to a Liberal Meeting at Albert. We went on Percy Russell’s [team?]. Mr. Carnwath, Grandpa and Mr. Wagstaff spoke. Saturday was election day. The Liberals got in, in the province but Carnwath & Ryan were defeated by John Peck and Lewis Smith in the county. I went down to Albert with Harold and Helena after church Sunday night. Monday Tuesday night there was a “Smoker” for Carnwath & Ryan at Hillsboro. Most of the Liberal men from here went. Johnny Wilbour joined Division Tuesday night. Uncle Fred has a bad cold and had not been out for over a week. I was sliding Thursday night and last night. There was a part at Mrs. Allen Robinson’s Thursday night. Mamma was there.

6 March 1917


There was a great crowd sliding last Saturday night. Nearly fifty I think. It snowed yesterday but they had the Rummage Sale last night just the same. They didn’t have the programme as there weren’t many people there. They are going to have the programme and sell the rest of the things Wednesday night after Prayer Meeting. There were only ten to school today as it was snowing and blustering this morning. Miss Doa Doherty didn’t come so Miss Boyd taught the three children who go to hers.

Achsah wrote that she has the German measles but is not sick with them. The train didn’t go up today.

10 March 1917


Mr. Opie held special meetings this week. I was to Prayer Meeting Wednesday night. Mr. Opie called Thursday afternoon. Helena is staying with me this week end. We went to Prayer Meeting last night. They didn’t have the Sale until tonight. There was a great crowd there. I read a piece. Orpah sang a solo. They made $38.

14 March 1917


Orpah was here for tea last night. They made arrangements in Division last night for Anniversary the 27th. I walked over to the van with Helena Monday morning before school.

17 March 1917


There was practice here for Anniversary Wednesday and Thursday night. We were to Prayer Meeting last night. This is a lovely day but it is poor sleighing now as the roads are nearly bare in some places. Minnie Moore was here Wednesday night and all day Thursday.

23 March 1917


I was not to school Monday, Tuesday, Thursday afternoon or today as I have a bad cold. Carl Russell and Lloyd Newcomb joined Division Tuesday night. May was here for tea Tuesday. We have been practicing for Anniversary this week. Mrs. Clair Robinson has a baby boy born the 8th. Its name is Orland. I got a letter from Eli Wednesday. He is in a Reserve Battalion as he was declared unfit for service.

30 March 1917


We had our 67th Anniversary of Division Tuesday evening. Mr. Fawcett the Grand Worth Patriarch from Sackville was there. Each member invited one person. There were over eighty people there. Ice cream and cake were served at the close of the programme. Mamma was up to Mrs. McAlmon’s last night to a turkey supper. We wrote our Easter exams this week at school. Out hens started to lay Sunday.

6 April 1917


Miss Doherty went home Monday as her mother is very sick. Orpah taught for her this week. There was no Division Tuesday night as it was raining and the roads were very muddy. This is Good Friday. Don went down to Albert last night to help Cliff take cattle to put on the car. I was down to the Post Office in the evening. Mrs. Henry Nelson has a baby daughter. Achsah, Margaret, Julia, Mary Russell, Gertrude, Frances and Nina came home today. [?antie], Herbert and children also came.

10 April 1917


Achsah went this morning. Cliff drove her and Margaret to the station. There was a social at Lena Nichol’s last night. May and I took Grandpa’s horse and gathered up the food in the after-noon. It rained awfully hard after we got there and kept it up till after we got home. The roads were very muddy too. Achsah and I were to Baptist church Sunday afternoon. Harold was here for tea. Bessie Wright went to St. John Friday to visit Ada Calhoun. Mr. Wright had a letter from Jim since he landed in England.

11 April 1917


School started today. Miss Doherty is not coming back till the end of the week. Orpah is teaching for her. Had cards from Bessie and Ada today. Mamma got a photo last night of Uncle Frank and his boys.

13 April 1917


Nina and Aunt Annie visited school this afternoon. Uncle Paul came home last night. He was in here this morning and tonight. Mamma and I were over to see Orpah (West Mes-Mills) this evening. The train didn’t come till half past nine tonight. We didn’t get our mail.

15 April 1917


Nina and Gertrude went back to Fredericton yesterday morning. Was down to Mrs. Newcomb’s yesterday afternoon. Train didn’t come till six o’clock. This is a lovely day but the roads are still very muddy.

18 April 1917


Miss Doherty came back Monday tonight. Mrs. David Stuart and youngest child came last night. Cecil Woodworth joined Division last night.

22 April 1917


The Inspector, Mr. O’Blenis, was at school Thursday. Friday night Mr. R. P. Steeves the Director of Agriculture gave a lecture in the Lodge room Friday night. The Institute sold ice cream afterwards. Helena was here for tea Friday night. Her father came after her in the evening. Mrs. Stuart went back Friday morning.

24 April 1917


Ada and Bessie came last night. Ada started to school today. Mrs. Cliff Stevens has pneumonia.

30 April 1917


It has been very cold for about a week. Yesterday was Don’s eighteenth birthday. Mamma and I were to Baptist church yesterday. It was Mr. De Wolfe’s last Sunday here. He is going to have the church at St. George. Uncle Fred was in, in the evening. Mamma and I were up to Mrs. Roy Tingley’s and Lena’s Thursday night. Lena is working in the post office now.

3 May 1917


Tuesday afternoon Ada, Orpah and I left school at recess and went up on the mountain after May-flowers. We didn’t get very many as they were mostly buds. We got home about seven. They came down here with me and got their tea. Ada and Weldon Stevens joined Division that night. Mumps and German measles are both in the place now. We got our exam papers back today that we wrote Easter. My average is 67.

5 May 1917


Mamma and I were to Prayer Meeting last night. I was to the store this morning. It has been raining nearly all day.

7 May 1917


I am home from school today as I have the German measles. I am not a bit sick with them. Nearly every one in the school has had them now. Mr. Smith got a cablegram this afternoon saying that Joe was wounded in the ankle and was admitted to a hospital in England May 6 2.

Ada and Orpah were in awhile at noon. I am invited up to Orpah’s tomorrow night for tea.

8 May 1917


Bessie, Ada, Hilda and I were at Orpah’s for tea and then came down to Division. Bessie Orpah visited Division. Uncle Fred is sick with a cold. I was in to see him a minute before we came down to Division.

10 May 1917


I am making an apron for myself. Mamma cut it out but I have done all the sewing. Mrs. W. Newcomb is sick with Bronchitis. She had the doctor yesterday. Miss Boyd boards at Mrs. McRae’s now. Harold Moore cut his little finger on his left hand on the wood cutter a few weeks ago and the doctor took it off.

13 May 1917


It is cold and windy today. Mamma had the German measles. She took them Friday and is just about over now. There was a meeting of the rate-payers in the school house last night to see about a school garden. They decided not to have one. I took up a sock Friday night and knit quite a lot on it yesterday. Mr. McLatchy preached in the Baptist church today. He preached last Sunday too. Aunt Annie and Grandpa went to Fredericton a week ago Thursday morning and came back Monday. They were delegates from the Institute and Agricultural Society to a convention on Greater Food Production.

14 May 1917


It has been raining all day. Mr. Chesley Smith had a sale today. Arch O’Hanley died Friday morning. His funeral was today. There was a meeting of the Agricultural Society and Institute in the Lodge Room last to-night. The delegates spoke, who attended the convention in Fredericton. Don and I were there.

19 May 1917


Yesterday and today are the first fine days we have had for quite awhile. Thursday was Mamma’s birthday. I gave her a book “Laddie.” Yesterday was Arbor Day at school. We got home at twelve for good. In the afternoon we four girls went up to the mountain picking May flowers. Hilda and Nettie went too. We got a lovely bunch.

23 May 1917


Last night Mamma got a picture of Uncle Art and Dorothy also a cut glass sugar bowl and cream pitcher from Nellie for a birthday present. Bessie Wright visited Division last night. This is Empire Day.

25 May 1917


There was no school yesterday as it was 24th. A crowd from Curryville went down by here – going fishing. Bessie saw Gen. Joffre when he was in Montreal. He was the Commander in Chief of the French forces. Joe wrote that his foot was getting well. Eddie Dobson8 enlisted last week.

3 June 1917


This is the king’s birthday. We have a holiday tomorrow. Sara Smith resigned her position in Plaster Rock.9 She came to the Hill Friday and is boarding at Almira Robinson’s/ Cliff West plowed our lawn Thursday and Willie McGorman plowed the garden. Miss Hallaize was here sewing Thursday and Friday.

4 June 1917


This is just a lovely day. I have been on a fishing trip into Memel. Bessie, Mr. Smith, Sara and I drove in one carriage, and Orpah, Ada and Miss Boyd in another. We didn’t get hardly any fish. I caught one. We got some lovely May flowers.

8 June 1917


Raining today. Cecil Tingley joined Division Tuesday night. Mr. Smith started for the “West” Wednesday morning. We have been planting seeds in the garden this week.

10 June 1917


This is Nellie’s twenty-fourth birthday. Pauline Steeves was down in her uncle’s car this evening. She was in about fifteen minutes. Mamma and I were for a walk afterwards and in to Lena’s. There was no B. Church this afternoon.

16 June 1917


This is a very nice day. The Institute had an entertainment in the Lodge Room Monday evening. I went with Bessie Wright. Mr. Cuspy played his violin. We planted beans & potatoes on our lawn this week. Aunt Annie went to Petitcodiac this week. She is coming home when Frances comes Monday. Gertrude came Friday night.

22 June 1917


I have been home from school all week as they are writing papers at school and Grade X do not have to write any. Aunt Annie, Frances & Nina came Tuesday. I was down to see Gertrude Monday afternoon. Frances and Grandpa were in to the Lake fishing yesterday. Brad, Almira, Harvey, Bertha & Hilman also went. This is the night of the “At Home” at the Consolidated School. There are five graduates. All girls.

24 June 1917


It is raining today. Last night I went down to Albert with Hilda and Aubrey to a Play “Dora Thorne”10 that some Hillsboro people repeated there after having it in Hillsboro – a few weeks ago. It was very good. A lot of people were down from the Hill. Don wheeled down. Frances was in a few minutes this afternoon.

29 June 1917


Tuesday evening I went for a drive with Orpah & Ada down round Albert and then went to Division. Our school closed yesterday afternoon. We did not have any programme. There were five visitors there. I was down to Lodge last night. It was the 23 Anniversary. They had a very nice program. Mr. & Mrs. Hetherington took part. Mr. Hetherington is the Principal of the Consolidated School. Nina invited me. Miss Doherty’s school closed this morning. I was up. There were five of six visitors there.

7 July 1917


Achsah came home Monday, also Margaret, Mary Russell. Wednesday afternoon Bessie Wright, Achsah & I walked down to Riverside. Ada, Orpah, Nina, Irene were writing Normal papers at Riverside. After they were through writing we went over to the Drug Store at Albert & got ice-cream & then came home, got tea & went to the station to meet Nellie. Played tennis a few minutes in the evening. Mrs. Audber Jonah & Blair came Monday. May was visiting Mrs. Sam Smith last week.

10 July 1917


It is rainy today. Bessie came home last night. It was a great surprise as we didn’t know she was coming so soon. She will go back with Nellie a week from Friday. I played tennis last night. Mamma & Nellie were up to Aunt James’ last night. We went up to meet them after Bessie got her tea. Mrs. McGorman, Mary Russell, May & Margaret were in Sunday night. Nellie & I were down to see Helen Saturday night. Audber drove down & they went home Sunday night. Josie wheeled down Sat. & went back Sunday evening. Was to Division. Ada, Mary & Orpah were in after Division.

16 July 1917


It has been showery all day. Thursday was “Orange Walk” at Albert. There was a great number there. None of us were down. Achsah & I were to Prayer Meeting Friday night. Have been picking strawberries this last week. Julia, Fantie, Florence & Wendall were in Friday evening. Nellie, Bessie & I walked up with Julia & Florence after church last night. Was in the house a few minutes. Mr. & Mrs. Adair & children came Saturday night.

19 July 1917


We had our Sunday School picnic at the Rocks Tuesday. The Baptists went too. There were picnics then from Albert Mines, Currysville & Lower Cape. Josie was down to the picnic. Was picking berries yesterday morning & down playing tennis last night. Nellie & Bessie were down to Riverside yesterday afternoon.

22 July 1917


Nell & Bessie went away Friday morning. Achsah & I were to Prayer Meeting in evening. Yesterday was my 17 birthday. Nell game me a crocheted hand bag & Achsah gave me three songs. Uncle Fred gave me a lovely box of chocolates. Last night League had entertainment in M. Church. I read. Afterwards Henry T., Frances, Achsah & I were for a car ride with Weldon Keiver. The Baptist S. S. class that Mrs. Geo. Russell teaches were at her place for tea in th Friday. It was given for Bessie Wright. She is going away soon to train for a nurse. They presented her with a silk umbrella with her initial on it. The Baptist boys her age were there for the evening. Aunt M., May & Marg – over this afternoon.

25 July 1917


Bessie and Sara were here for tea Monday. We were all picking berries Monday & got five quarts. Grandpa bought a car from Capt. Bacon. Frances is learning to run it. It is a Cheverlet [sic]. Mr. Coleman Dobson has a new one too. Was out with Bessie W. in evg.

28 July 1917


Bessie Wright left for Dorchester to day Thursday. She will not be back again before she goes to Brocton City Hospital to train for a nurse. The Institute had a Garden Party Thursday on Celia Peck’s lawn. The Albert & Hillsboro Institute were there. Lucy came down in their car. She stayed down & Mr. Steeves brought Pauline down in his car in the evening. We were playing Tennis yesterday.

30 July 1917


Pauline & Lucy went home this morning on the train. We had a few people in Sat. night. enough to makeup 6 girls & 6 boys. Those invited were Frances, Gertrude, Harry & Stirling Downey, Rob McGorman, Everett, & Henry. They left for home at just twelve o’clock. Henry & Frances in this evening. Played crockinole [sic].

2 August 1917


It was very warm yesterday but is very windy today. Played Tennis last night. Mamma when to Cape Tuesday afternoon in Grandpa’s car.

5 August 1917


Was to Baptist church this afternoon. Stirling & Harry Downey were down this evening. Frances was up. Nina was in for tea. Don was in to McFadden Lake fishing Friday with Grandpa & Frances. Gert., Sara & Weldon were there too. They came home Sat. afternoon. I was for a car ride with Frances last night. Mrs. McGorman is not very well. Dr. Carnwath was up today & yesterday. It is raining this evening. Mr. Opie in Friday.

7 August 1917


Was at a Garden Party at Mrs. McAlmon’s last night gotten up by the Junior League. Joe Ferris from Albert treated me to the Lunch & Ice Cream. Mamma was down to Aunt Annie’s this afternoon. She had May & her friends in as May is to be married soon. Mrs. Wesley Newcomb visited Division. She had a card from Henry. He has enlisted & is in Valcartier now.

9 August 1917


Achsah was up to the Cape yesterday morning with Frances. Aunt Annie, Frances, Nellie Newcomb in this last night. We have had very warm weather but today is rainy & cooler. Bessie wrote that it was 92° there quite a few days. Achsah got a telegram from Nellie tonight saying that she had secured a school for her near Antler, Sask. It is just across the border from Manitoba so she won’t be very far from Nellie. She leaves Tuesday. Will be with Bessie all day Wednesday & in Winnipeg with Nellie Friday night.

13 August 1917


Friday night we had a very bad wind storm. A willow tree by the Hall blew down right across the road early in the evening and a large willow by the Baptist Church blew down in the night. Trees blew over at different places along the road. Two barns on the marsh blew over. Achsah & I were down to Frances awhile in the evening. There was no Prayer Meeting. Saturday night we were at a Party at Frances. Those there were Nellie Newcomb, Sara, Minnie, Achsah, myself, Don, Everett, Weldon, Harry & Stirling Downey & John Barbour. There were four more invited who could not come. We had a lovey time. Had games & music. Achsah got the prize for one game. Were picking raspberries in the morning. Frances was up Sunday afternoon. It is raining today. Achsah is packing her trunk.

15 August 1917


Achsah got away yesterday. Frances took us to the station in the car. Sara & I went to the Cape in the afternoon with her. She went to get Uncle Fred. He was working in Grandpa’s place in the office. Frances & I were up to Aunt Jane’s tonight.

Aug 1

16 August 1917


Minnie Moore came down this afternoon from Aunt Jane’s. She stayed for tea & went down to Aunt Annie’s this evening. Pauline Steeves stopped in today on her way to Alma. She wants me to go back with them in the car tomorrow night.

20 August 1917


Went up to Pauline’s Friday night. Got there about nine o’clock. Was up to Lucy’s a few minutes Sat. morning. We were for a card [sic] ride with Lucy in the afternoon. Miss Colpitts who is visiting Pauline’s Aunt had tea with us. Saturday evening we were into a house, played cards awhile, into stores, ice cream parlour, etc. Was to S. S. & church Sunday morning. Went into Turtle Creek after church where Mr. Steeves owns a farm. Went in through Dawson Settlement & came home by way of Coverdale, Stoney Creek,11 etc. Got home back at 6:30 and left for home shortly after. Got home at 8:30. Uncle Dodge, Aunt Ethel & Thornton came in a car this morning. They intended coming in the train Sat. night but they missed it at Salisburg so went to Moncton & spent Sunday with Herbert. We were all over to Aunt Maggie’s tonight. Mamma & Aunt Ethel & I were down to Institute this P.M. They gave May a Casserole as a Wedding give [sic]. She & Cliff are to be married Wednesday night.

23 August 1917


Aunt Ethel, Uncle Dodge & Thornton were up to Julia’s for tea Tuesday night & then came down to Division. May was presented with a mahogany serving tray and a brass hot water kettle.

Was over to May quite a lot yesterday & running errands for them. Two of the Lynds girls were down all day. The wedding was a [sic] eight o’clock. The guests were all relatives. The house was very nicely decorated. They were married by Mr. Opie. Soon after the wedding ceremony, the shivaree commenced. There were over one hundred there. They were treated to ice cream & cake. After they went away the guests had their lunch. May & Cliff went over to his place shortly afterwards. We got home shortly after ten. We were all over to Aunt Maggie’s this evening. Had ice cream.

25 August 1917


Uncle Dodge, Aunt Ethel & Thornton went back this yesterday morning. Ernest Lynds took them to the station in his car. Was picking raspberries in the afternoon and to Prayer Meeting in evening.

It is very warm now & has been all day. Very sultry. Went picking raspberries this morning but mosquitoes were so thick in the woods that we couldn’t stay long. Margaret went back to Sussex this morning. Frances was up awhile this evening. The Principal of our school came tonight. She is a Mrs. Kelly. Julia is going to teach th the Primary Department. Washed my hair this afternoon.

31 August 1917


This is a lovely day. Mamma & I went down with Frances to Albert. I went to Dentist’s but couldn’t get any work done. May had her reception Wednesday. I opened the door to the callers. Mamma, Frances, Belle, Edna, & Joanna helped serve. Aunt Maggie & Edna helped receive. There were about 40 callers. Have heard from Achsah two or three times since she arrived at Braeside. She seems to like it fine. Ada, Annie & Orpah in for tea tonight. Was to Prayer Meeting. Had a drive with Ada and Douglas afterwards.

2 September 1917


Was down playing tennis last night. Lucy, Eddie, Russell, Josie, & Miss Duffy were down in the car this afternoon. They stopped here a few minutes. Eddie is training in Ottawa and is home to help harvest. Gertrude & Frances in a few minutes after Baptist church. Frances was up awhile this evening. Uncle Fred was in.

4 September 1917


Rained all afternoon. Mamma & I were down to Store this afternoon between showers. Ada went to Normal School yesterday morning. Mamma was up on the hills picking upland cranberries yesterday afternoon. The Catholic picnic was yesterday.

6 September 1917


Wednesday afternoon I was up to Hillsboro. The Albert & Hill Institute were invited up to attend a meeting of the Hillsboro institute held at Mrs. Archie Steeves. Mamma, May, myself & Aunt Annie went up with Frances. Grandpa went as far as the cape. There were eleven Institute members there from the Hill. We had a lovely time. We sat on the lawn. Had refreshments after the program. Saw Lucy, Pauline, etc.

Today Sara Smith & I went up to Nelson’s picking blue-berries. We went in Frances’ car and came back when she & her father came from the Cape. Had dinner at Fannie’s. Got a pail of blue-berries each. It started raining just before we got home.

10 September 1917


We had quite a heavy frost Friday night. Some of the cranberries on the marsh froze. The weather is just like fall now. Joe Dobson wheeled down Sat. night & went back Sun. about five o’clock. He was going to stop at Hillsboro to see Eddie as he is going away today. Mr. McCully preached last night. Visited school Friday afternoon.

12 September 1917


It is very windy tonight. Was down for the mail. Mrs. Kelly joined Division last night. Frances took their car to Moncton today for the first time.

15 September 1917


We are having lovely weather now. Was down to Mrs. Newcomb’s this p. m. Heard that Joe Newcomb was married. He is in Winnipeg now. Was not Prayer Meeting last night as Mr. Opie was away. Mrs. Edson Peck died Friday.

20 September 1917


Mrs. Edson’s Peck’s funeral was Sunday afternoon. There was no Baptist Sunday School. Picked bush beans yesterday morning. Mamma & I were on the march awhile today picking cranberries. We got about three pecks.

23 September 1917


Mrs. Calhoun & Annie were here all day Friday. It rained all day yesterday. Don has all the potatoes in the garden dug. Geoge [sic] Hamilton came home Thursday night. He has not been home for six years. Silas Wright12 is expected home soon on a pass.

26 September 1917


Mamma and I were picking cranberries yesterday morning. We got a little over three pecks. Mamma went to League in afternoon. Was for the mail and to Division after tea. It was election of Officers in Division. Julia Brewster is W. P. Mrs. Harvey Wright has a baby girl, Annie Mary, born Monday morning. Joe Newcomb was married in Winnipeg about three weeks ago.

3 October 1917


Was down to the dentist’s last Thursday & Friday morning. Silas came Friday night. Was up to Mrs. McAlmon’s Sat. night practising for Rally Day. Saw Silas there. Had our Rally Day Service Sunday morning. Mr. A. C. M. Lawson is in the Hill this week. Frances & I were up to Uncle Fred’s Sunday evening. There was a reception for Silas at his place Monday night. A lot of people there. Had music, readings, and speeches. Silas made a fine speech. Mr. Lawson at Division last night. We are having very high tides now. Monday was very windy and the water came way in over the marsh and covered a lot of hay. The track was torn our in some places and the train isn’t going yet. The mail comes down by auto. Mamma & I were picking cranberries today & yesterday.

10 October 1917


The train started again Friday. Friday afternoon Grace Rogers & her younger sister Gladys came to spend Thanksgiving with Frances. They are going to Mt. A. now & came across the ferry. They were up Sunday. Nina & Hilda were here for tea Sunday. I was down to Albert Monday morning with Frances, the two girls & Gert. The girls went back to Sackville in the afternoon. Monday evening the Institute had their meeting. The girls had to get up the program & serve the lunch. Each member could invite one person. There were quite a number there. I read. Was on picking cranberries awhile yesterday. The wind was so cold that I didn’t stay long. Mr. Lawson at Division last night. It is raining today. Don has been haying for Cliff West all summer. They finished yesterday. Sara Smith visited Division last night.

12 October 1917


Mr. Tilley preacher here last Sunday morning. He is the preacher of the Surry circuit. Frances & Lena were in Sunday afternoon. Uncle Fred in in evening.

Yesterday was Fair Day. It was a fine day and quite a crowd there. Pauline was down with her mother & father & Mr. & Mrs. Duffy. Was up to the Cape this morning with Frances. She took Uncle Fred up to the office and then came down & went away in the train. She is going to Teachers Institute at Moncton. Both teachers went from here. Mr. & Mrs. Allingham went back to Gagetown.13 They have been at Mrs. McAlmon’s over a week. Mrs. McAlmon went back with them this morning.

20 October 1917


The Fair was at Albert Thursday and Friday. Don was down yesterday afternoon and stayed to a meeting in the evening at which the judge spoke. Arth Russell got the lucky ticket on a quilt. It has been raining all day to-day. Bliss Smith and another man were at the Hill a few days. They came to hunt. [end 51]

25 October 1917


Raining very hard at times. Mamma made her Xmas fruit cake today. She & Mrs. Alden Peck were down to Albert yesterday afternoon buying things for the League to put in the soldiers Xmas boxes. She & Don were down to Albert Tuesday. Julia was here for tea Tuesday. Frances came back from Moncton Tuesday. Henry Newcomb is training in Montreal now. He has been to Bessie’s boarding house twice.

Some of the Hill boys went up to Hillsboro today to be examined. We have Conscription now. They all passed except Henry Tingley. Everett Newcomb and Rob McGorman got exempted as they have to run their farms.

28 October 1917


It rained this p. m. but has cleared off now. Frances was here for tea. The Northern Lights were very bright when Don & I were going down with her. They packed the Xmas boxes in the League Friday p. m. Lil Lynds was here while Mamma was at League. She came down to see Aunt Maggie and she was away so she came over here. Nellie Newcomb had a hemorrhage [sic] a few days ago. She can’t work all winter. I am taking her office (Treasurer) in the Sunday School. Achsah was with Nellie for Thanksgiving. Nellie was to Brandon a few weeks ago to Teachers Institute.

2 November 1917


This is a lovely day. Monday morning Don, Blanch Newcomb and I were down to Albert. Blanch & I went to the dentist’s. Don went to Truro14 Tuesday to attend the Agricultural College there. We got a letter from him last night. He boards right outside the town and only a short distance from the college. Tuesday night we had a very bad rain & wind storm. In some places quite a lot of damage was done. A big spruce tree on the bank of the brook blew over. A large elm by Grandpa’s house blew down. The tides were very high.

Mamma was down to Riverside and up to the Cape in Grandpa’s car Tuesday afternoon and I was down to Albert with them yesterday morning. I am knitting a pair of socks now. I was down to see Nellie Newcomb this afternoon.

4 November 1917


Rainy. Not many at church tonight. I am collecting for the Mission Fund of our church. Blanch and I walked in to Mrs. Howard Woodworth’s Saturday afternoon. The train didn’t come till about twelve o’clock last night. We got our mail this morning.

11 November 1917


We are having colder weather now. Tuesday night Silas visited Division. Was over to Mr. Valentine Smith’s Sat. collecting for Missions.

Mamma was over to May’s Wednesday helping them pick over cranberries. O was over in the afternoon. Frances was in this p. m. We were down there awhile tonight. The engine of the train broke down Saturday and it didn’t come till this p. m. Won’t get our mail till it come up in the morning. Mrs. Harry Russell, Mrs. Gordon Staratt and Mrs. Feltham (Mary Newcomb) each have baby girls.

14 November 1917


We had a snow storm last week but the ground was so wet that it didn’t do any good. Visited Julia’s school Monday p. m. & went up the road with her after school to collect. Aunt Maggie & May went to the Cape this morning in Grandpa’s car.

18 November 1917


Very nice day. Silas in awhile before church tonight. Mr. Wilson had special meetings here last week. Mamma was up to Cape in Grandpa’s car this Sat. morning and I was down to Albert with them afterwards.

21 November 1917


It was very cold yesterday & day before but today is warmer Mrs. McGorman & Frances in this p. m. Mamma was up to League yesterday & down to Institute Monday. Silas & his mother went to P. E. I. Monday. Mr. Wilson having revival meetings again this week. The Lower Cape Prayer Meeting was down last night. Had the meeting in the church. Very few to Division.

27 November 1917


Mr. Wilson’s meetings are contained this week. Was down to Frances’ Sat. p. m. The League had a social at Mrs. Clif Stevens Saturday night. About 80 there. Frances & I waited on the first two tables. Was to Baptist church with Frances Sunday p. m. and for a walk with her & [Susan] in the evening. Was up to Aunt Jane’s yesterday P. M. with Fracnes. Took our crocheting. Mrs. Joe Newcomb is here now.

20 November 1917


Was up visiting school yesterday p. m. with Sara & Frances. Was down to Frances in evening, played Nations. Went skating after we got our mail. The first skating this year. Ice very good and quite a few there. Was down to Albert this p. m. with Frances, Sara, Aunt Annie & Almira. Lovely roads & lovely day. Great crowd around as there is a liberal meeting to- night at Riverside. Saw Uncle [Sam]. Election Day is Dec. 17. Laurier Liberals are opposing Liberal & Conservative Unionists. Laurier against Conscription.15 Women vote who have brothers, husband, or son in war. Was to Prayer Meeting this evening. Lovely nights for last day of November. Mrs. [Dr.] Murray died at Moncton Hospital Wednesday. Lucy stopped in to see me to-night but I was to meeting. She came down in their car. She is spending a few days at home now as Eddie is on his last leave home now, before going overseas.

2 December 1917


There was a Union Meeting at Albert last night. Silas Wright was chairman. Albert Station burned Thursday evening. Fire started from flue. No one in building at the time. Most of the things saved. Nellie wrote that she bough $100 Victory Bond. It started snowing last night & snowed all day today. Not many to S. School. No church this evening as it is still snowing & blustering.

7 December 1917


The train changed Monday. It leaves at 8 and is supposed to get in at 4. Mrs. Joe Newcomb & children left Monday for Northern Ontario where Joe works. Silas went to St. John that morning. He has a position there. It is snowing a little today & blustering. There is a lot of snow on the ground now. The roads had to be shovelled in some places. Mr. Wilson is continuing his meetings. I was down to a Laurier Liberal meeting at Albert Wednesday night. Two teams went. The two candidates for St. John & Albert spoke & also others. It was a nice night. Frances taught at Riverside yesterday & today for one of the teachers who is sick. I got a tam & scarf from Bessie. They are tartans. Very bad fire in Halifax yesterday.16 A Munition steamer collided with a Belgian Relief steamer in the harbour at [sic] exploded. Over half the town destroyed. People in the other half hurrying from their homes. Great number killed and injured. They are taking a great many of the injured to Truro.

10 December 1917


It rained Sunday morning. Very few to church & S. School. Mr. Wilson had a baptism in p. m. Three baptised. Snowed a little to-day. Was down to Frances’ Saturday p. m. Down to store this p. m. Down to office for mail this evening. Very cold wind.

13 December 1917


Quite cold for this time of year. Temperature was 10° below zero yesterday morning. Washed my hair this morning. Mary Russell & Julia in Tuesday after school. 3rd Anniversary of League held Tuesday p. m. Riverside League was invited. Only a few came. Had a fire in the furnace all day to-day for the first time this winter. Good sleighing.

20 December 1917


Cloudy. Was up to Lower Cape with George Steeves Friday night to a school concert in the school house. Up to Albert Mines with Henry Tingley Saturday night to a school concert in the Hall. Very good concert. Hall was packed. Gertrude & Miss Allan the Principal each sang a solo. Basket social afterwards. Elections was Monday. Don’t know the exact results yet because they don’t know how all the soldiers voted yet.

25 December 1917


Don came home Friday night. Was up to Curryville to school concert Saturday night with Aubrey Russell. A lovely warm night & perfect sleighing. Quite a few up from here. Margaret came Saturday night. Frances, Sara, & Charlie in Sunday night. Got nice Xmas presents. Had a small tree on the table. Don & I were down to Frances this morning. Frances & I up to Aunt Jane’s a few minutes this p. m. Margaret & May in. Harold Moore here for tea. Nellie gave me all of Riley’s works, seven volumes. Mamma got a lovely mahogany [8] day clock from Bessie & Nellie.

30 December 1917


Very cold these last few days. Down to Frances Wednesday evening playing “Nations.” Margaret here for tea Friday. Mr. Opie called. Don has been hauling wood lately. He & Aubrey were down to Albert last night. I went down as far as the store with them. Froze one of my ears coming home. Frances here for tea. Very few to church.

4 January 1918


Wind blew very hard Sunday night & roads snow drifted badly. Train stuck in drift Monday morning just below Daniels. Stayed there till Tues. p. m. Then got off the track by Cape Station. Got up to Salisbury yesterday & down as far a Hillsboro. It drifted again last night so don’t expect it down here tonight. Drove mail down yesterday p. m. Don was supposed to go away Wednesday. Henry Tingley went to St. John Tuesday to work in a mill. Got up as far as Cape Station in the train & the passengers hired a man to drive them to Hillsboro Moncton.

5 January 1918


Don, Frances & Margaret drove to Moncton today. Weldon Stevens took them. They left at eleven o’clock this morning. Train is not expected down this way till middle of week. Was down to Mrs. Newcomb’s this p. m. & in to Aunt Annie’s. Weather quite mild.

9 January 1918


Miss Kennedy, the new Principal of the school drove down from Hillsboro Sunday. Was for a drive with Charley Tingley Sunday evening. Met Weldon Stevens on his way back from Moncton. The girls & Don got to Moncton at nine o’clock Saturday night. Don & Frances stayed at the American hotel all night. Margaret got a train that night. Miss Kennedy joined Division last night. Was up to school today at recess.

15 January 1918


Was sliding on the corner hill awhile Friday night after Prayer Meeting and also Saturday night. Was down to Mrs. Newcomb’s Sat. p. m. Blanch came up with me & stayed for tea. Was sliding last night. Quite a crowd there. Had a great time. It is snowing some today. Mamma & May went to Riverside this afternoon. Orpah here for tea. No Division as it is snowing & drifting. Charlie & Cecil Tingley in this evening. Played “Rook.”

20 January 1918


Mamma & I were up to Aunt Jane’s Thursday p. m. Orpah taught school for Julia Thursday & Friday, as she was sick with a cold. Was sliding last night. We have had just perfect weather for a few days but it is snowing today.

27 January 1918


The League is getting up a concert now. Monday night I was up to Mrs. Alden Pick’s practising the choruses. Tuesday night we practised a dialogue here after Division. I have part in it. Wednesday night after Prayer Meeting I was over to Clif West’s practising the choruses. Thursday night the Division & Lodge W. C. T. U.17 from Riverside were invited to Lodge. The W. C. T. U. helped with the program. Mamma & I were both there Friday night after Prayer Meeting they practised here for two dialogues. Last night the Women’s Institute had their “Farmer’s tea” at Celia Peck’s. There were a lot there. They had a long program. I read “Columbus.” Mrs. Geo. Nelson has a baby boy. We have had lovely weather all week. Miss Fallaize had been visiting at May’s the last of the week.

30 January 1918


Was down to Aunt Annie’s Monday night practising for dialogue. There was a social at the parsonage at Albert last night. Everett Newcomb & Cecil Tingley took a team down from here. I did not go as it was Division night. Miss Kennedy spent the week end with Miss Jonah, principal of Hopewell Cape school. They were up to Hillsboro to rink Sat. night. Mamma has been quilting lately. May & Joanna were over quilting this afternoon. Julia was here for tea last nigh.

2 February 1918


We are having quite cold weather now. Thursday night a crowd of us went for on a driving party into Downey’s camp. Aubrey & Cecil Tingley took the team. We had a great time. Played games, made candy. It was a great night. Got home shortly after twelve. Practice at Aunt Maggie’s last night after Prayer Meeting. Was up to Mrs. McAlmon’s practising the girls in a flag exercise this p. m.

7 February 1918


Cold weather continues. Tuesday was thought to be the coldest day we have had this winter. Was up to Mrs. Alden Peck’s practising Monday night. The working train had got down to right below Alden’s that day. Some of the boys went on after practice. The men worked all night. The train got to Albert this p. m. Was practising at Clif’s last night. No practice tonight.

10 February 1918


Practised in the Hall Friday night after Prayer Meeting and again last night. It snowed last night so it is bad walking now. Olive Coonan came down to Ellen Robinson’s yesterday afternoon. She & Ellen came in after Baptist church this afternoon & went to church with us this evening.

12 February 1918


The Hall was crowded. A lot of people came from Riverside, Albert, Curryville, Lower Cape & Downey’s Camps. There was a Basket Social afterwards. I did not have a basket. We made $70. Olive Coonan was in awhile in the p. m. Her father was to the concert & she went home with him afterwards. Julia was here for tea last tonight. Blanch Newcomb & Madeline Richardson joined Division. The weather is warmer now that [sic] it has been.

18 February 1918


There was a Poverty Social at Riverside Thursday night. Three teams went down from here. I didn’t go. It rained all day Friday and the weather is quite cold again. Was up to school at recess this p. m. Mamma was to Institute today. Mr. Opie is going to have special meeting here this week. I was to Prayer Meeting tonight.

22 February 1918


Was up to League Tuesday afternoon. It was a very stormy day & night. Raining and blowing. There was no Division. It rained some Wednesday and turned cold. It was very cold today & yesterday. Roads are still good for sleighing. We were to Prayer Meeting tonight. Mr. Wagstaff lead the meeting. He was in here a few minutes after tea.

24 February 1918


It is good skating now. Was on the marsh below the house yesterday p. m. Was to a Variety Shower at Clif West’s last night for Hilda Russell who is going “West” soon to be married to Lloyd Dixon. About 25 there. It is a lovely day today. Was to Sunday School this a. m.

28 February 1918


Was down to the dentist’s this morning with Blanch & Gladys and up to Orpah’s for tea. Hilda was there too. Mary came over from Harvey in the evening. Hilda here for tea Wednesday. The Institute had a “shower” for her in the p. m. The Division gave her a carving set. Not much snow on the roads now. Mostly ice in some places. Was weighed today. I weigh 115.

3 March 1918


Snowing and blustering today. Was skating yesterday afternoon and last night. Very few to church this morning. Washed my hair Friday.

5 March 1918


Was up to League this p. m. They are reading a book in League, “My Four Years in Germany.”18 Planning for Anniversary tonight in Division. There was no school in Miss Kennedy’s room yesterday p. m. as she was sick with a cold.

10 March 1918


Snowing today. There was a practice here Friday night for Division Anniversary. No Prayer Meeting as Mr. Opie was away. Dora Matthews and her nephew John Matthews are visiting at Mr. I. Wright’s. Mrs. McAlmon had a party last night. Mr. & Mrs. Hetherington, and teachers of Consolidated school and the graduating class were invited and about twenty Hill people. Mamma & I were there. There was a party for Chester Stevens Friday night. He is going to school at Riverside now. No church tonight.

12 March 1918


The roads were badly drifted Monday morning. Only eight children to school. I was down for the mail in the p. m. on snowshoes. Men were out breaking roads all day. It snowed a little again this p. m. Very few to Division. Roads very heavy. Mrs. Audber Jonah has a baby girl born Saturday.

15 March 1918


It has snowed a little every day since Sunday. It is very windy tonight and drifting quite badly. Practice here last night for Anniversary. No Prayer Meeting tonight. Orpah here for tea last night.

17 March 1918


St. Patrick’s Day. Was to Sunday School & church this morning. Played in church. Uncle Fred in this evening.

19 March 1918


Was up to school house Monday at recess and down for the mail after tea. Practised here for Anniversary last night. Mamma was up to a League quilting this p. m. at Mrs. Barkhouse’s. Chas. Richardson has gone to sea. Is on his way to the Canary Islands now. Chas. Johnson operated on last week for appendicitis. Don was appoined [sic] from the college as delegate to attend Y. M. C. A. convention held in Truro Sat and Sunday. Bessie sent Mamma a lovely large calendar last night and a centerpiece. Was down for the mail before Division.

25 March 1918


Fine. Roads quite icy. There was a S. School Convention in our church Wednesday p. m. & evening. Mr. Ross was the chief speaker. there were no delegates from outside places except from Curryville. [Ira] Newcomb & I were delegates from our school. Minnie Moore came down to Uncle Fred’s Tuesday and came down her [sic] Wednesday. She went down to Aunt Annie’s Friday morning. There was practice here Thursday & Saturday night. Nellie Newcomb came home from River Glade Saturday night. Henry Tingley came home then too. Fannie was in a few minutes yesterday p. m. Helen’s baby’s name is “Dora Frances” after its two grandmothers. There was a Baptist social tonight at Mrs. Clif. Stevens. I was there.

29 March 1918

Good Friday

Had our Division Anniversary Tuesday night, a public meeting, a large crowd there. Freeman Robinson came home from Halifax Wed. Mrs. O’Regan has a baby girl Mary born Wednesday. Mamma went up to Aunt Jane’s Monday p. m. with Minnie Moore and stayed for tea. Orpah was here for tea. Great battle on “western front” now. Frances came home tonight for Easter. Margaret isn’t coming home.

3 April 1918


Still using sleighs but sleighing very poor. Had fine weather during Easter holidays Miss Kennedy went to Sackville at Easter. She didn’t get back last night as she missed the train so there was no school in her room today. Was down to Albert Sat. p. m. with Grandpa & Frances, stayed there for tea. Frances went back Tuesday morning. Was up to see Julia today at recess & went up to Mrs. McAlmon’s after school to get yarn. People have their trees tapped now. Election of officers in Division last night. I was elected W. A. & M. M. Tingley W. P. Blanch Newcomb & I are janitors for this quarter. Nellie Newcomb went in to Memel yesterday to live. Iva is keeping house for her now. I have her class in S. School, the Primary, while she is gone. Our hens started to lay today.

7 April 1918


Lovely day. Everyone using carriages today. Mr. Wilson preached his fare well sermon in B. church last Sunday. Mr. Colwell preached today. Mamma wasn’t very well Friday & Saturday. She has a bad cold. John Russell was operated on last week, also Mrs. Clif. Stevens. Orpah, Henry, Miss Kennedy & George Hamilton went to Baltimore yesterday morning to a sugar camp. Achsah and Nellie were in Brandon for Easter. Achsah had her eyes tested and she has to wear glasses. Nellie went back to Antler with her Monday. Achsah had to teach again Tuesday but Nellie had all the week off. Don saw Lucy Dobson in Truro. She spent Easter there. Uncle Fred in last to night after church. Silas came home Friday. He has been sick & is home on sick leave. There was a reception for Orlie Reid Saturday night at Albert.

11 April 1918


Fine but cold wind. The crowd came home from sugar camp Sunday night. Was down to “pictures” at Albert with Cecil Tingley Monday night. Roads were bad in some places. Got letter from Hilda Tuesday night. Blanch here for tea Tuesday. Swept the Division room that night after school.

14 April 1918


Dull & roads muddy. Don got home last night. College closed Thursday. He came to Moncton Friday & stayed at Hubert’s all night and came to Salisbury Saturday morning. We have the “Daylight Saving System” now. Clocks were to be put ahead an hour at 2 this morning. We had a S. School & church today by old time but school & train start with new time tomorrow.

20 April 1918


Helena Moore came down Monday morning and stayed till 4 p. m. She was going to walk down to Albert. Mamma was to Institute Monday. There was a quilting at Mrs. Barkhouse’s Tuesday. I cleaned the spare bedroom Wed. & Friday I cleaned the Serving room & this morning I cleaned the big closet upstairs. Mamma was down to Aunt Annie’s yesterday doing up maple sugar to send the boys overseas. They sent each one two pounds. Aunt Florence went to Moncton Friday. We got photos of Nellie & Achsah tonight taken in Brandon at Easter.

23 April 1918


Wore my straw hat Sunday for the first. Laurie Colpitts came to Mrs. John Tingley’s Saturday night. He was to church Sunday night. Don went back to Truro yesterday morning to work on the College farm. I went to the station with him. It rained all Sunday night. The first rain we have had this spring. The M S A19 which became law in Oct. 1917 has been changed, no exceptions being granted to boys between the ages of 20 to 22 inclusive. There was a reception for Laurie tonight after Division at Mrs. Tingley’s. A short program & refreshments. Got home shortly after eleven (Laurie went away Wed. morning).

25 April 1918


Very windy. Mamma was to a meeting of the Ladies’ Aid in the Baptist Vestry last night. A man spoke afterwards in the interests of the Y. M. C. A. in France.

27 April 1918


Lovely day. Washed the parlour windows on the outside this a. m. Helena stopped here awhile yesterday on her way home from Riverside. Was to Prayer Meeting last night. Roads are dry now. Quite a few people have fires today, burning the old grass. Bessie Wright sent me a picture of her uncles Silas, Gordon, Martha, Uncle Dodge & Thornton. I got a book of songs the other night. Walked up part way with Gertrude tonight. She went up to choir practice.

29 April 1918


This is Don’s 19th birthday. We cleaned the cellar today. We were to Baptist church in the p. m. yesterday. Mr. Foshay preached, the man who spoke Wed. night. Were down to Aunt Annie’s & Almira’s after tea & then Nina & Frank came to take me for a drive. We intended to go to church at Lower Cape but when we got there it was too late to go in.

3 May 1918


Fine. Mrs. Allen Robinson was here all day Tuesday. Julia came after school & stayed to Division. It rained all day Wednesday. We have all the rooms cleaned now except the kitchen. The grass is getting quite green now. Some people have ploughed.

10 May 1918

Monday Friday

Lovely day. Was down to the office this p. m. The school girls went picking may-flowers back of Mr. V. Smith’s after school. Julia here for tea Tuesday. On Tuesday, Wed. & Thursday of this week people collected money all over Canada for the Y. M. C. A. Mamma was one of the collectors at the Hill. They collected $145 at the Hill. $2, 250, 000 was asked from Canada. Don came home this p. m. Crossed the ferry & got [Iber Forones] to drive him down from the Cape. He didn’t like it at the College farm. Had to get up at five every morning & did not like his boss. I washed my hair Wed. morning. Mamma & I went on the marsh this a. m. & picked cranberries.

17 May 1918


This is Mamma’s birthday. It is a lovely day. I was down to M. church at Albert Sunday night. After church a man showed lantern pictures on the “Life of Christ.” Julia here for tea Tuesday. Don went fishing and caught 22 fish. Have had some nice days lately but very windy. This is Arbor Day. Mamma & I were on the marsh yesterday morning & picked the rest of our cranberries. May had a baby boy born Monday morning. Mamma was over all Sunday night. The baby died early Tues. morning. They had a short service Wed. p. m. The Baptist minister Mr. Colwell conducted it. Clif. got a car to go to Harvey to the cemetery. Mamma went with them. Blanch Newcomb, Irene, Marjorie, Emma & I walked in to Memel to see Nellie Newcomb this p. m. She & Iva stay there now. Fred’s children are there now too. We stayed for tea & Iva came out with us & Emma stayed back. We got a drive most of the way in Truman Nelson’s car. I went to Prayer Meeting & afterwards to the Hall to lantern pictures. We expected Bessie tonight but she did not come. Mrs. Fred Newcomb came.

24 May 1918


Bessie came Saturday in the train. Walked up part way with Julia after church Sunday night. We were over to Mrs. McGorman’s Monday night. Down to Mrs. Newcomb’s, Aunt Annie’s & Aunt Maggie’s Wed. night. Frank Newcomb came from Moncton Wednesday. Yesterday was Empire Day. There was an entertainment at school. Quite a few there. It rained last night but today is lovely. Mrs. F. Newcomb went back to St. John Monday. Went fishing this p. m. with Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Steeves Burpe & Pauline. Went in to Sawmill Creek. Mr. Fred Steeves was there too. We had tea in there & got home about 7:30. Don was fishing nearly all day. He caught 5 doz. I caught one. Was to Prayer meeting tonight.

28 May 1918


A lot of people were down to Albert Sat. night to the movies. The picture was “Damaged Goods.”20 Don went down on Charlie’s wheel. I was weighed last night. I weigh 113. It has been rainy today. Don went to the Club House this morning with Grandpa. Was up to the school house at noon.

1 June 1918


Don came home Wed. night. He got 20 [trout]. It has been awfully cold & windy this week but is sultry today. Frances came home yesterday for June 3. She crossed the ferry. Mrs. Newcomb went up to Helen’s Wed. She came home today. Silas came home today. He was here this evening and Bessie and I went down to Grandpa’s with him.

4 June 1918


Sunday was a vey warm day. Frances was up in the p. m. Miss Kennedy was in before church in the evening to see if we wanted to go to the island Monday. Frances & Silas went back Monday. Bessie & I went to the Island. There were over 30 altogether. We went in Perc. Russell’s scow. We went on the scow below Paynes, left there about eight in the morning and got home about the same time. I put a bone of my knee out of joint playing a game. Henry Tingley pulled it back in. It is stiff yet & swelled up & hurts some to walk. I sprained my thumb going over to the island. [Isaah] Jonah was visiting at Mrs. Ilbert Newcomb’s for the week end. We are getting our gardens in today. John Rogers plowed it. Don bought a cow last week from Johnny Tingley.

6 June 1918



We have our garden all in now. The apple blossoms are out. The Inspector was at school yesterday p. m. Bessie starting [sic] teaching me Short-Hand yesterday. My knee is better but I have not walked much yet. I have a cold now.

9 June 1918


Flora Russell was here Monday & Tuesday making Mamma a suit. It rained all day Friday. Last night I went down to see the doctor about my knee. Don & Bessie went too. We had Uncle Luther’s horse. He put a splint on it & bandaged it from above my knee to my boot top. The ligaments had been torn when the bone moved & my knee has to be kept stiff till they get well. I did not go to S. School or church this a. m. Viola brought the papers up after S. S. Some of the girls were in after church this a. m. to see me. There was no B. church this p. m. as the minister is sick. Orpah, Nettie, Mable & Alma were in after S. School. Aunt Annie went to Moncton Wed. Minnie Moore is keeping house. Mamma was down their [sic] last night & in to see May, she was downstairs.

12 June 1918


It is raining today. Bessie went to Memel with Mr. Newcomb this morning to spend the day with Nellie. Julia was here for tea last night. I went to Division. May & Mrs. Gaugh are at Aunt Maggie’s today. It is the first time May has been over since she was sick. Clif & Don plowed our [lawn] yesterday & Don harrowed it this a. m. Don bought a pig from John Tingley last night for $7.

14 June 1918


It is quite cold & windy today. I was down to the doctor’s last night to have my bandage tightened. I didn’t sleep any last night. My knee pained all the time but it [sic] better today.

17 June 1918


Raining today. Sat. & Sun. were lovely days. Mamma went to Moncton Monday Saturday in Mr. Fullerton’s car. She is staying at Uncle [San’s]. Margaret Archibald came in a car Friday night. She brought Mary Allsion. Mrs. Keith, Miss Burgess & Miss Mae Kennon. Mary & Miss Burgess slept over here. They went to the “Rocks” Saturday & went back to Sussex Sunday p. m. Minnie Moore, Uncle Fred, & Charley Tingley were in Sunday p. m. Mrs. McGorman was over in the evening. There was no service in either church Sunday. Mr. Opie is attending conference. Julia was in this evening.

21 June 1918


Mamma came home Wed. night, also Aunt Annie. An act was passed that every one over 16 has to register. The day for registering is Sat. 22 but people are allowed to register before that. There are five people here to look after the registering. They are going to register in the school house tomorrow. Mamma registered at Uncle [San’s] & Bessie & I registered today at noon. Julia brought the cards down. Mamma & Bessie were at Julia’s last night for tea. Miss Kennedy, Mrs. McAlmon & Minnie Newcomb were also there. Harold Moore was in awhile in the evening. Miss Kennedy, Julia, Bessie, Gertrude, & I were down to Aunt Annie’s for tea tonight. I got a drive down with Harold Moore & Don came after me in the evening with Clif’s horse.

27 June 1918


This is a lovely day. I have been sitting on the veranda nearly all day. Deborah Mitton was in Monday night to give us invitations to the “At Home” of her graduating class. I was asked to read but cannot on account of my knee. There are ten graduates. Ada Calhoun came to Lena Nichol’s Tuesday night. The women of the Methodist church organized a “Ladies’ Aid” at Lena Nichol’s Wed. p. m. Ada was in that p. m. also May. Mr. F. Peacock visited school this a. m. Everything looks very pretty now. The daisies are in bloom. The strawberries are getting ripe. George Hamilton left for Toronto Wed. morning to work there. The girls who wrote papers at Riverside all passed in [2nd Div.] Silas Wright was home Sunday. He was in a few minutes after church Sunday a. m. Don, Bessie, Aunt Annie, Julia and Ada Calhoun hired Charley Bray to take them to the “At Home” in his car. There were a lot down from the Hill.

30 June 1918


Was down to the doctor’s Friday night. I will be able to take the bandage off my knee in three weeks. The school closed Friday. They had no program at this school. I was up. Not many visitors there. Mr. Opie called in the p. m. Friday. Bessie was up to Julia’s for tea. Miss Kennedy went home yesterday morning. Yesterday was very warm. don & Bessie worked at our lawn in the p. m. Bessie was picking strawberries in the a. m. She got a pint. Orpah was in a few minutes in the evening also Julia. Frances came home yesterday. She had their car out in the evening. Don was with them. Everett Newcomb is home now on a thirty day’s leave. He is not in khaki.

3 July 1918


Quite a few boys were up to Moncton Monday to horse races. Monday evening a car upset off the road by Mr. McGorman’s. It turned over twice. No one was hurt. The cover & windshield were broken. Don & Bessie worked at our lawn yesterday. They have one side all ready to plant the seed. Julia was here for tea last night. Frances wrote papers for superior at Riverside yesterday. Ada, Orpah, Irene are writing. Mrs. Christian Steeves is very sick with pneumonia. Bessie & I were for a drive with Frances Monday p. m. It is the first time I have been up that way since June 3. It has been very sultry these last few days. The government has taken over the Salisbury & Albert railways. The “Ladies’ Aid” is meeting at Aunt Annie’s today. Delia Robinson joined Division last night.

7 July 1918


Raining today. Nellie & Achsah came home Thursday. Left Saturday. They brought me a pretty green cloth hat. Margaret was over Thursday night. Had a car drive with Frances Friday. Frances up last night. Mrs. P. Russell has a baby boy.

12 July 1918


Very warm day. Bessie & I were up to Cape this a. m. with Frances when she took her father up. Mamma & I were up with them yesterday p. m. A Miss Nutter gave a demonstration last night. The Institute sold Ice Cream. Achsah & I didn’t go. Achsah went down afterwards & bought some ice cream for me. Annie & Ruth Calhoun came Wed. night. Ada & Nina were in awhile this evening.

15 July 1918


Saturday morning Venning & Dorothy Wheaton came. They live in Midgic where Achsah taught last year. They drove to Moncton Friday & drove down here Saturday. There was a play at Curryville Sat. night, “Aunt Susan’s Visit.” Venning drove Achsah & Frances and Don drove Dorothy & I with Uncle Luther’s horse. The Hall was crowded. Bessie went up with Brad & Almira. It rained all day Sunday. Bessie went up to Mr. Russell’s in the evening and stayed all night. Rainy today. Achsah & Venning went to Riverside this p. m. Nellie was down to Almira’s this p. m. helping make ice cream for a Remnant Sale which was held in the Hall tonight. Venning drove Dorothy & I down. They sold remnants, ice cream, strawberries & had a fish pond.

19 July 1918


Cloudy. Silas was in awhile Tues. evening. He came home for the picnic which was Wednesday. Bessie, Dorothy & I went to Albert Tuesday p. m. & Achsah, Mamma & Venning were for a drive before Division. Muriel Turner & Bessie Smith were here in the p. m. to see the girls. They are going west to teach. We were invited by the Curryville School to have our picnic at the Cape Rocks with them. The Baptists were invited too. All of Mr. Tilley’s circuit was there, also Albert Mines Baptist. I went in Grandpa’s car. Achsah & Venning & Dorothy drove. Nellie went with May & Margaret & Bessie went on a team. In the afternoon Lucy, Pauline, Lena Bishop & Joe Dobson came down in Joe’s car. Don & I went for a ride with them. We went over past the Harvey warf [sic]. They stopped here & had tea & then went home. Miss Macaulay came Wed. night to visit Frances. She was Frances’ Principal in Middle Sackville. Yesterday afternoon they went up on the mountain to see the tower. Frances took Miss Macaulay. Dorothy & Don went up and Venning & Achsah drove. I went up as far as Nina’s in Frances’ car & came back with Achsah & Venning. Mamma & Bessie were to Ladies’ Aid yesterday p. m. at Mrs. McAlmon’s. We played cards last night. Nellie & Venning drove down to the post office this a. m. Venning telephoned to his sister in Sackville & Nellie telephoned to the doctor to see if he would be home this p. m. but he won’t be till tomorrow p. m. I was supposed to have the bandage taken off my leg today. Bessie, Dorothy, & I were for a drive this p. m. & Achsah & Venning, tonight.

23 July 1918


Saturday p. m. Bessie, Dorothy & I went to Albert did some shopping & got ice cream. When we got back to Riverside a thunder storm had started. They put the horse in a stable and we stayed in Mr. Carnwath’s store during the storm. it was quite bad & rained very hard. We got home shortly after six. The storm was worse up here. The lightning struck the Baptist church and knocked one spire off & ruined the whole steeple & broke & lot of windows. Part of the inside of the church was also damaged. Clif West was knocked over by the lighting while crossing this yard. Venning, Achsah & Bessie went to Albert to pictures Sat. night. Sun. p. m. Joe & Lucy Dobson & some of the children were down in Joe’s car. They stopped here a few minutes. Venning & Dorothy left for Moncton about five Sun p. m. They would get home Monday about noon. Don & Nellie went to Moncton yesterday morning in Mr. Fullerton’s car. Nellie shopped & Don got his eyes tested. They got home shortly after six. Bessie, Don & I went to Riverside last night. I went to see the doctor but he wasn’t home so we came right back. Frances & Miss Macaulay were in Sun. evening. Nellie was to Albert with them Sat. We took a lot of pictures Sunday. Edna Steeves is home from the west. A sister & brother of hers are here with their families. Sunday was my eighteenth birthday. Achsah gave me three new dollar bills. Nellie brought me a coin purse & a song from Moncton. Had a thunder storm tonight during Division & after. Blanch & Madeline stayed here till the storm was over. Julia is visiting Herbert. He & his family are at Shediac21 for this month.

25 July 1918


Lovely day. I went down to the doctor’s this a. m. with Gertrude McDonald. We had to wait until noon for the doctor because he was out all night & didn’t get in till six this morning. He took the bandage off. I have to be careful for a week. I can’t bend my knee much, the muscles are so stiff. Achsah & Don went to McFadden Lake fishing, yesterday morning. Grandpa, Frances, & Miss Macaulay went in one carriage & Weldon took Don & Achsah. They got home about 9:30 tonight. Achsah & Don each caught 7 fish. Annie & Ada in this evening & Ruth, Madeline, Henry, Douglas, Charley & Aubrey on the veranda.

28 July 1918


Friday p. m. Achsah & Bessie went over to Midgic. They went up to the Cape with Frances & crossed the ferry to Dorchester & then went in the train to Midgic. Mary & Orpah in Friday night. Don got his glasses from Dr. Burges Friday night. We got word that Ethel Ryan is to be married Sat. Aug. 3. Both Dobson families were down in their cars this p. m. Shortly after they came Nellie, Don & I went for a car drive with Lucy & Joe. We went down nearly to Alma by way of Beaver Brook,22 Hebron,23 etc. & came home through Waterside,24 Harvey. It was a lovely drive. We got home just tea time. Joe & Lucy got their tea & then went along to catch up to the rest of them. They were making calls up the road. Uncle Fred sent me a box of chocolate last to night. Frances took her car to Moncton Saturday. Uncle Willie & Aunt Elsie came to Grandpa’s Sun. night. They came all the way in their car. Miss Macaulay went home Wed. morning. Mrs. A. Jonah & two children came Tuesday night. Miss Harper is visiting Gertrude. The Methodists are beginning to practice for a concert which the Ladies’ Aid is getting up. They are practising a drill this p. m. Nellie & Mamma went in to see Aunt Elsie & Uncle Willie last night. They were at Ladies’ Aid at Aunt Maggie’s in the p. m. Don & Clif started haying today. There was a party for Joanna West tonight after Lodge. She is going to Winnipeg to stay with John. The Lodge got the party up. I got a drive down & walked home. It is the farthest I have walked since I got me knee hurt.

2 August 1918


Uncle Willie & Aunt Elsie were here last night. They left for home today Grandpa went with them. Mr. Opie called this a. am. Ellis Dixon is spending her holidays in N. B. She was at Mrs. McGorman’s today. Nellie saw her yesterday. Nellie was down to see Helen yesterday.

3 August 1918


I was down to see the doctor this morning. He says my knee is doing alright. It rained this morning but cleared up & is a lovely evening now. Achsah got a telegram from a school tonight. It is in Sask. near Alameda.25 Bessie telephoned from Rockland tonight. She & Achsah expect to come home Monday,

4 August 1918


This is the fourth anniversary of the war. I walked to Sunday school today. It is getting like fall now. Nellie was up to Julia’s for tea tonight. Took some snaps today. Margaret here for tea.

6 August 1918


Achsah & Bessie home Monday at noon. They came down from the Cape with Frances. It rained all day yesterday. The girls were to practice in the evening. Washed my hair this a. m. Helen & children went home Sunday. Audber drove down for them. Joanna West and Muriel Turner started for the West yesterday. They went to Moncton in a car. Clif and Mary went too. Went down to practice this p. m. Herbert Brewster to Division. He & Fantie & children are here now.

10 August 1918


Down to practice Thursday night. Achsah & I got a drive with Frank Steeves. Had the concert last night. It went fine. I read “The Spirit of Courage.” Frances Wheaton crossed the ferry yesterday p. m. & came down with Mr. Beaumont. Mr. McKenna motored from Sussex yesterday & got to Margaret’s at tea time. Mamma was down to Albert Tuesday in Grandpa’s car. The Hopewell Hill & Hillsboro Institute were invited to the Albert Institute at Mrs. Isaac Prescott’s Wed. & Thursday two ships were launched at Alma.26 Great crowds there. Saw Lucy [etc] a few minutes Tues. on her way home from Albert. Achsah & Frances went for a car ride with Frances this evening.

15 August 1918



Frances went home Monday. She went to Moncton with Mr. Fullerton. We girls were up to Aunt Florence’s Monday night. Tuesday Nellie & Bessie went to Moncton with Mr. McKenna & Margaret. They were at Lynds’ for tea. There was a party at Mrs. P. Russell’s Tuesday night. Nellie & Julia went after Division. Mamma and Bessie went to Aid at Lena’s yesterday p. m. The girls packed their trunks. Don got a bag of greens yesterday p. m. to pickle. Fantie, Herbert, Julia, Frances, Mrs. Newcomb, Charley, Cecil, Arth all in last night to say “Goodbye” to the girls. Thundered & lightened [sic] during the evening. Girls went this a. m. Bessie, Don & Ada were there too. It was just lovely coming from the station just as the sun was coming up. Bessie Smith from Albert went with the girls. Don took the trunks down last night. Frank Bishop brought our upland hay. He is getting it now. Mr. Coonan is fixing the B. church where it was struck by lightning. We made $21.50 at the concert Friday night. We got our house insured a short time ago.

19 August 1918


Was down to Albert to “Pictures” Sat. night with Cecil and Blanch Barkhouse. Had ice cream afterwards. Cold Sat & Sunday. Just like fall. Bessie and I were to Baptist church Sunday p. m. Margaret here for tea. Mr. Cote died Thursday night. The funeral was at 1:30 Sunday. Don was there. Mamma went up to the Rocks Friday morning with Mr. McKenna, Margaret, May, & Aunt Maggie. Came home about five. I had a drive up from the office Sat. p. m. with Mr. McKenna. He went home Sunday morning. Mrs. Calhoun came Friday night. The train changed time today. It leaves at ten now instead of six. Was down to the office this morning. Mamma and Bessie were to Institute this p. m. There is a party at Mrs. Casey’s tonight. The younger girls got it up.

23 August 1918


Tuesday night was one of the nicest nights we have had this summer. After Division Bessie & I walked up part way with Julia, Orpah, etc. Erna Hamilton was to Division. She was staying with Ada. Grandpa came home Wednesday night. He was at Uncle Paul’s while he was away. Yesterday afternoon Bessie & I took our crocheting and went don to Ada’s. We stayed for tea. Orpah was there too. Went for a walk in the evening. Blanch & Viola went to Moncton Monday. Was to Prayer Meeting this evening. Walked up to meet Bessie afterwards. She was up to Mary Russell’s.

26 August 1918


Saturday & Sunday were very warm. It has been misty all day today. Had a letter from Nellie Sat. night written after she got to Minto. Don went up to Hillsboro yesterday p. m. in a car. Charley, Weldon & Freeman went to. They got home about eleven. Had a letter from Achsah tonight written in Brandon. Word was received last week that Win Calhoun was killed in action. All the teachers from here went up to Moncton tonight to Provincial Maratime [sic] Institute.

28 August 1918


Was to Division last night and for the mail afterwards. The Ladies Aid met here today. Ten women came. Bessie & I served the lunch. We had a letter from Achsah tonight. She is teaching in Alameda, Sask. grades 6, 7 & 8.

30 August 1918


Bessie & Mamma were up on the hill yesterday p. m. picking upland cranberries and Mamma & I were up today. Bessie & I were up to Aunt Jane’s last night in Frances’ car. She came home in the train. Was to Prayer Meeting tonight. Sara Smith came to the Hill for over Sunday also Miss Chapman.

2 September 1918


This is Labor Day. A lot of people went away today. I was to the station this a. m. Frances, Irene, Ruth & Gertrude & Sara went from this station and Orpah & Nina from Daniel’s. Frances is going to teach in Dorchester and Nina in Middle Sackville. Orpah and Irene are going to Normal School. Gertrude is going to teach in Dawson Settlement. Miss McEachern, the principal of the school here, came Sat. night. There was a Surprise Party for Irene Sat. night. Ada went up to Lower Cape tonight where she is going to teach.

3 September 1918


School started today. Julia had five beginners (boys). Julia Dixon is going to school here. Mamma & Bessie were to League this p. m. There was a lecture on Food Conservation given in the M. Church tonight by Mrs. [Lawlor,] President of the Housewives League, in St. John. Before the lecture Mrs. John Peck & Mrs. Allison Peck had a duet. We had a short session in Division and went to the lecture afterwards. I was for a car drive afterwards in Rae Peck’s car.

9 September 1918


Bessie & I were up to see Miss McEachern Thursday night. It rained all Friday night. I was to Prayer Meeting. Bessie was up to Lottie’s all night. We were to choir practice Sat. night. “The Brotherhood” from the First Baptist Church at Moncton took charge of the service yesterday p. m. There were over 20 in the orchestra. The church was nearly full. Bessie played in church last night as Minnie is in Moncton.

12 September 1918


Mable McDonald & May Palmer came to Aunt Annie’s Sun by car. Bessie & Mamma were at Ladies’ Aid yesterday. It was at Aunt Florence’s. Mamma is canning & preserving now.

16 September 1918


It rained Friday night but has been lovely since. Bessie was up to Mary Russell’s for tea. Edna Steeves came over after tea and stayed all evening night. Was not very well yesterday morning, so came home before church was over. Just got home when Mrs. Dobson, Joe, Harold, & baby arrived. They took Don, Mamma & I down to Waterside. We ate our lunch by the beach. Got home about 5:30. Edna went home after Baptist Church. I was for a drive with Cecil Tingley in the evening.

Frances was home for the week end. Heard this a. m. that Harold Joyce27 was killed in action. The hunting season started today. This is a perfect evening. It is moonlight.

22 September


We have had very rainy weather. Friday night Mr. Barraclough, minister of the Central Methodist church, Moncton, gave a missionary address in our church. He is a fine speaker. We are having very high tides. The tide came in over a lot of the marsh yesterday. Roy Downey was married last week to John Dee’s daughter. Mrs. David Stewart and daughter came last night. George Brewster is visiting at Alden Peck’s. The trees are beginning to turn now. Walked up to Mrs. J. Russell’s with Ada after church this evening.

24 September 1918


Rainy to-day. Very few to Division. Johnny Tingley has moved to the house Joe Newcomb used to live in. Mamma & Aunt Annie went to Woodworth Settlement this p. m. calling on the women who have children at Sunday School. Willie McGorman & Mr. Kelly were married today at her home. Don & Mamma were to Albert this a. m.

30 September 1918


Fine & windy today. Thursday p. m. Willie McGorman & bride came. Mr. Allen brought them from Moncton. There was a chivaree that night, a crowd there. It didn’t last long as they came right out. Mrs. Stewart and Charlotte were over here that p. m. It rained Friday. Was to practice Sat. night in the church. Don & I walked up with Ellen afterwards. Sunday was Rally Sunday. Joe Dobson came down in his car just before church in the morning. In the p. m. we all went for a drive down round Albert & up as far as the Cape Warf [sic]. We stopped at the Rocks on our way down & got home at 9:30. Joe & I were for a drive in the evening. He left for home at 9:45. Bessie & I walked to Albert this p. m. we were an hour & a quarter walking from home to Mr. Prescott’s store. Bessie got her fall hat today. Florence sent it from Montreal. We got it from the Express Office. Mr. Stewart & two children came Sat. They all went back this morning. Heard there were fifty cases of Spanish Influenza in Edgett’s Landing.28

4 October 1918


Mr. Lawson has been in the place this week. He was to Division. The school closed Wed. to prevent influenza from spreading if it should get in the place. There are about 25 cases in Hillsboro. One woman died. There are five cases in Lower Cape & one at Albert. The Consolidated school is closed. Wed. p. m. I was collecting down the road for the Missions. Bessie went with me. Today we were up the road. Yesterday Bessie & I went over to May’s & stayed for tea. No Prayer Meeting tonight.

9 October 1918


It rained Saturday & Sunday. There was no church in either church. Monday p. m. I was down to Mrs. Newcomb’s and in the evening I was up to Mrs. I. Wright’s with Mamma & down for the mail afterwards. Freeman Robinson came home sick Sat. night with the Spanish Influenza. He is better now but some of the rest have it now. Tuesday & today were lovely. Miss McEachern joined Division last night. Mrs. W. J. McGorman had her reception today from 3 – 6. I opened the door to the callers. There were 42 came. Bessie was down to Albert this a. m. with Uncle Luther. She is going to start tomorrow to do the book-keeping in Mr. Prescott’s store. there are a lot of cases of Influenza in Moncton now. The train isn’t due here now till 8:20 so quite often we don’t get our mail till the next morning. The war news is looking very good now. Bulgaria has withdrawn from the war.

11 October 1918


Influenza still raging. Orders have come from Ottawa that there are to be no public gathering of any kind. All schools have to be closed by today. Ada Calhoun went to St. John Monday & took sick after she got there. She was better when her mother telephoned this morning. Bessie is not going to work at Prescott’s as she can’t stand the work. She was there all day yesterday & walked down this morning to tell him that she couldn’t keep the position. She came up in the train. The leaves have all turned now. I picked our N. B. apples Monday. There were very few. Frances came home this p. m. and Irene tonight.

13 October 1918


Another dull Sunday. Blanch Newcomb & I went up the road yesterday p. m. delivering the Sunday School papers. There were thirteen cases of Influenza in Albert yesterday morning. Henry Tingley is sick now. Nina Steeves in home now. Bessie & I went up on the hill for a walk this p. m. Mr. T. Wright was in this evening.

17 October 1918


Haven’t been around much this week on account of Influenza. It is spreading in Albert very quickly. Henry Newcomb was wounded. They got word Monday. Roy (Archie) Steeves died of Influenza in St. John where he has been training. Edna Steeves came over yesterday p. m. and stayed for tea. Miss Fallaize was in this p. m. to say “good by” [sic]. She expects to leave Wed. for New Zealand to visit her married sister. I did the washing Monday as Mamma had a lame shoulder. Have been getting the garden things in this week. Had a letter from Pauline. She has had the Influenza. Jimmy [Fales] is sick now. He is down here in his house with his father. The rest of the family are at Lower Cape. Nellie went to Alameda to spend Thanksgiving with Achsah. One of Hiram Smith’s [livins?] died a few days ago.

19 October 1918


We have had nice weather all week. It is lovely this evening. It is “full moon.” A telegram came to Mr. Smith Friday night and they opened this morning when I was at the office. It was that Joe was killed on active service Oct. 7. The telegram came “John Smith”29 but the number was right all but one figure, so it probably means Joe. They telephoned to Sara. Bessie & I were up the road delivering S. S. papers this p. m. Influenza is quite bad in Albert & Riverside. Henry Tingley is out again now. The train was late tonight. Bessie & I walked down for the mail but the office was closed. Miss. McEachern went home Friday morning. Had a letter from Achsah Friday. She had been to Oxbow30 to a Convention. Nellie joined her there & went to Alameda for Thanksgiving. No influenza there when they wrote. Don & Clif finished haying Friday.

24 October 1918


Mr. Judson Peck died Friday night. The funeral was Monday. Mr. Opie conducted it. There have been four deaths from Influenza at Albert. Dr.’s Murray & Carnwath are both sick now. I was down to Mrs. Newcomb’s this p. m. Mr. Newcomb is shingling the house. He is going to put a pump in their well. We got terracota [sic] pipe for our well but haven’t them in yet.

27 October 1918


Friday p. m. Blanch Newcomb & I walked in to Woodworth Settlement with the S. S. papers. It rained yesterday. Dr. Lynds died Thursday night of pneumonia which followed Influenza. Ernest got there before he died. Nellie wrote there was one case in Minto. There was none in Alameda when Achsah wrote last Sunday. It is rainy today.

31 October 1918


Rainy today. Had rained every day this week. Word was received Tuesday that Herman Robinson and his son were drowned while coming from Dawson to Vancouver to live. The ship was dashed to pieces in a storm & all on board perished.31 Ada Calhoun came back from St. John Monday night. Charley Richardson came home Monday. He has been on a schooner to the Canary Islands. Dr. Lynds’ body was brought home for burial. Belle came also. The funeral was yesterday. Uncle Art sent us a box of salmon. It came yesterday. The train didn’t come till early this a. m. I went for the mail when the train came up this a. m. Nellie sent me six songs. This is Hallowe’en. I wasn’t out as it had been raining hard all evening.

5 November 1918


Have had fine weather since Sat. Ada was in Sat. p. m. She walked up the road with Bessie & me when we went to take S. S. papers. Sunday p. m. I took papers to Madeline & we went away up the road for a walk. I was up to the Cape in Grandpa’s car yesterday p. m. and down to Mrs. Newcomb’s last night. Bessie was over to Edna’s for tea and came home when Edna came for the mail. Audber Jonah was at Mrs. Newcomb’s. Walked up to Mrs. Jim Russell’s with Ada after the mail was sorted. Blanch & I went to the station this p. m. and brought our case of salmon up on a cart. I am knitting a pair of gloves for myself.

Oct. 7 November 1918


Very windy all day. Raining tonight. Mamma made her Xmas fruit cake yesterday. I was weighed yesterday. I weigh 113 lbs the same as Blanch Newcomb. The train didn’t come last night as it got off the track. It got down about 1:30 this p. m. Frances came up with me when I came home with the mail. It is the first time she has been in since she came home. Willie McGorman and Mrs. went to her home today. Ada was in awhile this a. m. War news is very good. Germany is the only nation left to fight now. Austria dropped out a few weeks ago.

10 October 1918


Raining. There is Baptist church today. The ban will be lifted Thursday & the schools opened the following Monday.

12 November 1918


Word came Monday morning that the war is over. The Kaisar [sic] & his son abdicated and peace was signed at 2:45 Monday morning. They rang the church bells for three quarters of an hour. There was a bonfire at Hopewell Cape. The young boys here had cattails with par foil on them and then lit. They marched up the road. Today is a public holiday. The train changed yesterday morning. It leaves Albert at 8 a. m. & returns at 5 p. m. I went to the station with a letter this a. m. Picked over the apples after dinner. Frances was up this p. m. We went up to Aunt Jane’s with her in the car & then for the mail. Mamma was down to Mrs. Calhoun’s this p. m. Margaret has been helping in a “Flu” hospital in Vancouver. Achsah & Nellie bought Victory Bonds again this year.

14 November 1918


Mary and Orpah were here for tea yesterday. We went for the mail after tea & then walked up part way with the girls. It has been snowing all day today. The first snowstorm we have had. I packed the League box today that we are sending Cyrus. Bessie was down to Albert yesterday a. m. in Grandpa’s car. Mrs. Calhoun and Ada were here for tea today. They went home about 9:30. A lot of telephone wires are down.

18 November 1918


Everyone was using sleighs Friday. Bessie & I were both for a drive Friday night. A lot of people were driving. It was a lovely moonlight night. Saturday every one had carriages as the sun had melted the snow a lot. Bessie & I went up to Mrs. Russell’s in the p. m. & stayed for tea. Silas came home Sat. night. Miss McEachern came back then too. There was S. School & church yesterday. We practised the church hymns after S. School. I went to Baptist church with Minnie & Miss McEachern. We had our church trimmed with flags last night. I was down to Mrs. Calhoun’s a few minutes after church last night.

21 November 1918


It has been rainy all week. We had Division Tuesday night. Mr. & Mrs. Turney have got settled in the house Mr. Casey lived in. They had a car load of furniture come. Miss Boyd came down from Hillsboro Wed. to visit Mrs. McRae. There are some new cases of Influenza there so the school isn’t going to open for awhile. Bessie & I went up to Julia’s yesterday p. m. & stayed to tea. Bessie is getting ready to go back to Montreal. She expects to leave Monday. I was down to the store this a. m. & in to see Miss Boyd. Julia was down at noon. I went up to school at noon & got a library book. Don put our outside windows and doors on this week. Mrs. Calhoun & Annie went home Tuesday. Silas went back then too & Orpah & Irene went to Fredericton. Miss Boyd here for tea. Ada was up after tea & she, Miss Boyd & I went to Prayer Meeting.

27 Wednesday 1918


We are having colder weather now. Yesterday was very cold 12°. Bessie went back to Montreal Monday morning. Don & I went to the station. Miss Boyd went to Hillsboro that morning. I was up to choir practice Sat. night. May & Clif were in Sunday evening. Mamma was up to League yesterday p. m. It was the [Hch] Anniversary. Julia was here for tea. Madeline was in after school practising a solo for Division. Was down to the store this p. m. The train is off the tracks & won’t be down tonight.

5 December 1918


There was a party at Madeline Richardson’s Friday night. Don & I were there. There was no Prayer Meeting as Mr. Opie was away. Fred Newcomb arrived in St. John over a week ago. He was at the Hill for over Sunday. Word came last week that Cyrus Peck had won the Victoria Cross.32 I was up to choir practise Sat. night. Don & I were down to Albert that p. m. Sunday the Baptists held their Centennial & Thanksgiving service. There was church in the morning & afternoon. I was there in the morning. Mr. Ganong preached. The church was full in the p. m. The history of the church was read. I played in church in the evening as Minnie was away. Mr. Steele from St. john preached. It was a very windy night. Ned Cleveland killed our pig Monday a. m. I was skating Monday night, the first time this year. I was the only girl. Don went away Tuesday morning. Bessie wrote that she is working in a lawyer’s office. Mrs. Willie McGorman was returning calls last week. Mr. John Tingley cut our wood Wed. a. m. Mamma & I carried in [sic] in that p. m. & today. We have it all in now. It snowed all day today & people are using sleighs tonight. The Institute had a reception tonight for Mrs. McGorman. Mamma & I were there. Clif came over afterwards & cut our pig up.

8 December 1918


Was to Prayer Meeting Friday night. Mr. Opie called in the p. m. Was to choir practice last night. It was very cold but is warmer today & snowing. Ada was in a few minutes after Baptist church. Was for a sleigh drive with Cecil Tingley this evening.

13 December 1918


It has snowed a little nearly every day this week. The sleighing is fine. We have heard from Don twice. He is bording [sic] in town. Mr. McGorman’s brother James & one of his daughters are here from the west visiting. The train was real late last night so we didn’t get the mail until this a. m. The Baptist Sewing Circle held a Fancy Sale in the vestry yesterday p. m. We were not there. Mamma was to Albert with May in the a. m. I went down to the train to meet Ada tonight. She is going to stay with me this week end. After we brought the mail home we went to Prayer Meeting.

18 December 1918


Ada & I crocheted a lot Saturday. We were at the store & Lena’s in the p. m & for the mail. In the evening she went up to choir practice with me. It started to rain that night. It rained some all day Sunday & took the snow all off the roads. I went down to the station with her Monday morning. She nearly missed the train. It blew for the Hill went [sic] we were going by Mr. O’Regan’s but it had to stop to put off cars so we were there in time. Was skating Monday night. It was a lovely night. Iva & I were the only girls. We sent Nellie’s & Achsah’s Xmas presents last night. Julia was here for tea. Mrs. Cole died Saturday night. The funeral was yesterday. was up to the Lake skating tonight. Went with Charley. Ice was fine. Mamma down to Aunt Annie’s this evening.

Address of boys who have enlisted from Hopewell Hill.

Nov. 26 1916.


Gunner W. Clarke Wright

131st Siege Battery. C. E. F.

Army Post Office

London, England


Pte. Hugh C. Wright

5th Inf. Brigade Machine Gun Co.

Army Post Office

London, England


L/C J. Merrill Russell


140th Battalion C. E. F.

Army Post Office

London, England


Sergeant Silas C. Wright

Central Registry Office

Canadian Headquarters

3 Palmeira Square


Sussex Co.



Gunner James Mc L. Wright.

9th Siege Battery

Partridge Island

St. John, N. B.


Pte. J. E. Smith.

8 Platoon, B Company

1st Casualty Training Batt.

40 Army Post Office

London, England


Pte. G. F. Russell

11 Platoon “C” Company

112 Battalion, C. E. F.

40 Army Post Office

London, England


Pte. Lester Payne

104 Battalion, C. E. F.

A Co. 1st Platoon

Army Post Office

London, England


Pte. Eli H. Robinson

112 Batt. C. E. F.

C. Co. 11th Platoon

40 Army Post Office

London, England

  1. Digital reproduction received on 8 October 2019 via David Mawhinney, archivist,; 506-364-2563.↩︎

  2. Minto: Town in Manitoba, where Nellie accepted a teaching position.↩︎

  3. Private James (Jim) McLaren Wright was born 23 November 1897 in Hopewell Hill, Albert County, New Brunswick, and enlisted in the 9th Siege Battery on 6 November 1916. He was discharged on 10 May 1919. "Personnel Records of the First World War - CEF 323961," Library and Archives Canada↩︎

  4. Misspelling of Petitcodiac, a river and village in New Brunswick.↩︎

  5. January: This excerpt from William Morris’s poem “January,” from The Earthly Paradise, written between 1868 and 1870. Ella has written these lines on a separate unlined piece of paper inserted into the lined ledger.↩︎

  6. Page 11 is a separate sheet of paper on which Rogers wrote the verse of Morris’s poem.↩︎

  7. Abner Reid McClelan (1831-1917) was a Canadian senator and served as Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick from 1896 to 1902.↩︎

  8. Sapper Edward Wells Dobson was born 23 October 1898 in Hillsborough, New Brunswick, and enlisted in the Canadian Engineer Training Depot on 17 May 1917. He was discharged 8 February 1919. Personnel Records of the First World War - CEF 356784,” Library and Archives Canada,↩︎

  9. Plaster Rock: Village in Victoria County, New Brunswick.↩︎

  10. Dora Thorne: A silent melodramatic movie, Dora Thorne (1915) was directed by Lawrence Marston and starring Lionel Barrymore based on a script by Bertha M. Clay (aka Charlotte M. Brame).↩︎

  11. Coverdale and Stoney Creek: Towns in Albert County, New Brunswick.↩︎

  12. Private Silas Clark Wright was born 16 February 1896 in Hopewell Hill, New Brunswick and enlisted in the 26th Battalion on 2 December 1914. He was discharged on 6 March 1918. “Personnel Records of the First World War - CEF 324277,” Library and Archives Canada,↩︎

  13. Gagetown: Village in Queen’s County, New Brunswick.↩︎

  14. Truro: Town in central Nova Scotia.↩︎

  15. Conscription: 1917 Canadian Federal Election. Candidates were Robert Borden (Unionist) and Wilfrid Laurier (Liberal), representing pro- and anti-conscription positions respectively.↩︎

  16. Very bad fire in Halifax: Reference to the Halifax Explosion on 6 December 1917, an accident which occurred in the Halifax Harbour and resulted in an unknown number of deaths, in the range of 1,500 to 2,000, and several thousand more injuries.↩︎

  17. W. C. T. U.: Woman’s Christian Temperance Union.↩︎

  18. My Four Years in Germany: Written by the U. S. Ambassador to Germany, James W. Gerard, and published in 1917. The book was adapted into a film by Warner Brothers and became their first hit when it was released on 10 March 1918 and grossed over $1.5 million.↩︎

  19. M S A: Military Service Act, the controversial conscription law passed in 1917.↩︎

  20. Damaged Goods: 1914 American silent film comedy starring Lee Moran and Grace Marvin and produced by Universal Pictures. Thematizing syphilis, the film started a trend of sex hygiene films.↩︎

  21. Shediac: Town in Westmorland County, New Brunswick.↩︎

  22. Beaver Brook: Rural community in Albert County, New Brunswick.↩︎

  23. Hebron: Rural community overlooking the Bay of Fundy in Albert County, New Brunswick.↩︎

  24. Waterside and Harvey: Communities on the Bay of Fundy, Albert County, New Brunswick.↩︎

  25. Alameda: Town in southeastern Saskatchewan.↩︎

  26. Alma: Village in Albert County, New Brunswick.↩︎

  27. Private Harold George Joyce was born 4 September 1897 in Hopewell Cape, New Brunswick, and enlisted in the 104th Battalion on 27 September 1915. He was killed in action 10 September 1918. “Personnel Records of the First World War - CEF 494170,” Library and Archives Canada,↩︎

  28. Edgett’s Landing: Community in Albert County, New Brunswick.↩︎

  29. Private Joseph E. Smith was born 14 November 1897 in Hopewell Hill, New Brunswick, and enlisted in the 104th Battalion on 24 September 1915. He was killed in action on 17 October 1918. “Personnel Records of the First World War - CEF 239210,” Library and Archives Canada,↩︎

  30. Oxbow: Town in southeast Saskatchewan.↩︎

  31. The SS Princess Sophia sank on 25 October 1918 after a snow storm caused it to ground on the Vanderbilt Reef in the Lynn Canal. The ship was carrying 364 passengers, all of whom perished in the wreck.↩︎

  32. Lieutenant Colonel Cyrus Wesley Peck was born 26 April 1871 in Hopewell Hill, New Brunswick, and enlisted in the 30th Battalion on 8 November 1914. He was a decorated Vimy Ridge war hero who also distinguished himself during the Hundred Day Offensive. He was discharged 1 June 1919. “Personnel Records of the First World War - CEF 562667,” Library and Archives Canada,↩︎

