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'''<u>1-3 January 1915</u>'''
<u>Friday 1</u>
Money By-laws: -
I - To provide $455,961 for new civic car lines - passed
II - To provide $66,418 to acquire the Scarboro [sic] Division of the Toronto and York radial - passed
From the Mail and Empire building we walked along Yonge St. We met brother Issie on Yonge St. near King St. We went into a moving picture show at the Crystal Palace on Yonge St. and Arcade. We were there from 9.15 P.M. to 10.45 P.M We a picture called sacred jewel from "The Lotus-dancers. When we reached home we met our neighbour A. Blackman coming out of our house. I read the results to my parents. M. B. Slatkin was also here. I retired at about midnight.